Fallout 4 1.4 update now in beta on Steam

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Bethesda just released their beta to Steam with some additional details about what the update includes. It seems they've added a number of extra settlement customizations.

Opinion: My personal feeling is the settlements need more than just "stuff". I can't even get my settlers to use half the settlement they're in and half the fun of defense turrets is watching them mow down raiders... but with a defense so high you never get raided? Still holding out for some major settlement changes to make them worth investing in.


Along with support for upcoming add-on content and additional gameplay fixes, the 1.4 update includes several new features that will let you add even more character to...

Fallout 4 1.3 update hits console and PC

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Bethesda has released their 1.3 update which includes fixes and enhancements for the console and PC versions of the game. They had done something similar with Skyrim where they continued to release general enhancements and a few minor features with their patches (likely in preparation for coming DLC content), like better gun debris:

Better settlement and build management were definitely sorely needed features. The below excerpt is taken from the Bethesda website's post about the release.


Fallout 4 1.3 Update

The 1.3 update for Fallout 4 is available as an automatic download for Steam, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 users.

The update has several new features – including PC-specific enhancements like our new ambient occlusion setting (HBAO+) –...

Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

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Kotaku wrote an interesting article about the fandom behind Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas in the face of Bethesda's release of Fallout 4. Seems many fans are still looking for Obsidian to do more with the Fallout franchise, something many people on NMA can relate to:

Picture this. You spend years putting together a massive, ambitious RPG. After countless hours of hard work, you release your baby out into the public. Curious to see what people think, you start looking around the internet...only to see a small but vocal chunk of your fanbase wishing someone else had made your game.

That’s been the story with Fallout 4 since its release back in November. Bethesda made the game, but plenty of people are wishing Obsidian Entertainment had made it in their place.

..."It sometimes seems as though you can’t talk about Fallout 4 without having someone...

Preston Garvey, arguable the most annoying Fallout character ever, spawns dozens of related memes

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Anyone who has played any amount of Fallout 4 that involved Preston Garvey will be able to relate to how annoying his incessant requests to help settlements are. He's annoying enough that he's spawned dozens of memes amongst players:

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