Replaying Fallout 3:Build Ideas?

Knight In Leather Armor

Badger Nutsack
NMA pls this is a serious thread

inb4 "why're you playing Fallout 3 and not Nv?"

Well that's cause NV keeps crashing and I want to replay Fallout 3.

Now, so far Fallout 3 is being reinstalled into my Xbox 1 and I've always gone with a Speech/Barter/Lockpicking build in almost every Fallout(besides 4 because it fucking sucks)

But now I want to try something knew. I don't care about most people's fates in 3, but I do want to stay good because going evil gets very boring for me.

I need a good build that is both fun to play and interesting.

Once again, please don't flame me, as I hate Fallout 3 as much as every other true NMA'er, I just wanted to play my first Fallout game again and ignore all the Lorebreaking and bad storyline and just have some fun.
Well after my 10th time playing NV I decided I wanted to try and give FO3 another shot, considering I haven't really played it since beating it years ago.

First of all you won't like what you find. The game has not held up well next to NV at all. Everything just hurt me.

I decided to go with an vampire build for funsies since the Blood Ties quest is the only one I actually really like in the game. (don't crucify me please)

My SPECIAL was this: Strength 6 (because vampires are stronger than normal humans) Perception 7 (because vampires have heightened awareness towards the living) Endurance 5 (because even though they're supernatural they can die just the same as normal humans), Charisma 6 (Vampires are supposed to be charming), Intelligence 5 (vampires have no need of computers or medicine but they aren't necessarily stupid), Agility 10 (Vampires are supposed to be extremely agile and very sneaky. Even Bram Stoker's Dracula was so quick he could run up walls on all 4s) and finally Luck 1 (Vampires aren't exactly the luckiest people in the world)

I also gave myself the perks Mr. Sandman and Cannibal to start off with. This way I could sneak into peoples' houses/rooms at night, murder them, and then feast on their delicious blood. It certainly made wiping out Megaton easy. I got so much blood and treats before nuking it.

Rules with this build:
1. You can only go outside at night. The only exception to this is when you very first exit the Vault, but you must immediately run back inside and use the wait feature until it's dark.

2. You must feast at least once a day. Whether this is through killing innocent people or devouring cannibals is completely up to you. If you do not feast once a day, then cripple a limb. Keep it crippled until you can feast. (or some other stat changer if you prefer, this is just what I do) Blood bags will also count towards feasting, but only if you have Vance's blood bag perk.

3. You must align yourself with the vampires during the Blood Ties quest. You must learn the blood pack perk from Vance and you must convince the little brother to stay with the vampires. Whether you let them keep messing with the town or ally the vampires with the town is entirely up to you.

4. When you get to Andale, you must side with the cannibal families instead of wiping out the town and helping the grandfather.

And that's pretty much it. Have fun! You can be good or evil as you please outside of the 4th rule btw.
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Rage I've already said I'm not doing an evil playthrough because I get very bored very fast.

I never said you had to be evil. Read it to the end. I specifically said you can be as good or evil as you want outside of siding with the Andale family. Vampires aren't inherently evil. Raiders make just as good snacks as normal everyday members of society do. It'll just make balancing your karma a little harder since eating someone gives you negative karma. Think of it as a challenge.
Last time, I went with an idiotic character without fast travel on normal and flied through the main quest in 6 hours.
So I guess 1 int and 10 stg is really the way to go.
I never said you had to be evil. Read it to the end. I specifically said you can be as good or evil as you want outside of siding with the Andale family. Vampires aren't inherently evil. Raiders make just as good snacks as normal everyday members of society do. It'll just make balancing your karma a little harder since eating someone gives you negative karma. Think of it as a challenge.

Science and charisma build. only use pistols and wear the armored vault suit or if you're on PC I'm sure there's an armored lab coat mod. Only do quests that will further your pursuit of knowledge and never ask for more caps or caps at all because knowledge is it's own reward. Obviously your SPECIAL's will be intelligence and charisma focused and skills and perks as well.
I decided to go with an "evil vampire" build for funsies since the Blood Ties quest is the only one I actually really like in the game. (don't crucify me please)

Is it really all that evil though? You're not just doing it because it's fun, you're doing it because it's necessary for your survival. You could just as easily eat raiders as you could normal people, and by eating raiders you're diminishing their numbers, and thus helping the Capital Wasteland. As I said in the build rules, you don't even need to cannibalize anyone once you get the Blood Pack perk. You can just use blood bags after that. Therefore if you rush the Arefu quest then the most you'll have to worry about is eating maybe 3 or 4 raiders tops. And considering it's only a little walk from Megaton that shouldn't be a problem at all.

What actual science-y quests would there be in the game? The only handful I can think of are either part of the main quest involving Project Purity or "Those!" where I suppose the solution for this sort of character would be to help Doctor Lester get his ant breeding project back online instead of killing the ant queen. But then again I haven't played it in a long time. Sounds like a very very short playthrough to me though if that's all there is.

As for the Blood Ties quest, it's probably the only quest in the game that not only gives you multiple options on how to complete it and get to the end, but it's one of the only quests that also gives a really good reward. The recipe for the Shish-kebab and the blood bag perk are fantastic.
You can always make a good junkie character.
Just take chems all the time, do everything with your character high.

I think being high is actually a way to get through F4 without any emotional pain.
Most quests in FO3 can be approached from a research perspective outside of the clearly evil and clearly merc quests. So no eating people for the Count of Skingrad, no rescue missions, and no clearly fetch delivery missions.

But the Count wasn't a cannibal, just a vampire. And a good vampire at that. I wonder if TeS 6 will show the Count again..




I love how nobody cares that I'm physically abusing and murdering the teacher.
I admire anyone who has the courage to play this game without mods.
I admire anyone who has the courage to play this game without being in TTW.

Well now that I so smartly and sneakly advertised my "own product" again... I guess I am late for the party but I usually play a melee and/or unarmed male character, always only wear raider armor (or any other armor that shows the bare chest of my guy) and attach "the Barbarian" after the actual name of my character (e.g: Risewild the Barbarian).

I am usually nice but a bit greedy and always steal any weapon, drink, food, pre-war book, chems and anything that weights 0 from everyone's houses.