Fallout Tactics Mod Gods! I SUMMON THEE!

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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All in one place. To discuss the state of Fallout Tactics, the various bugs, mods, the future, and to answer some questions.

I won't beat around the bush too much since my opinion on Tactics is fairly well known (I like it a lot and think it is underrated), so I will jump right into it. This will be scattershot since I am fairly new to Tactics modding and a lot of the threads related to it...I did do my research though.

  • While modding Tactics I stumbled upon a number of bugs. Bugs with various fixes. Is Redux the definitive bug fix for Tactics essentially? I know we have Equilibrium. There seems to be a lot of fixes that might be able to be combined into one mod. I saw some that were Russian only which is a shame. I would learn Russian if I could.
  • One bug is the Pipboy one which I have not seen mentioned in regards to its actual cause. The Core_Pipboy bug is the one I am talking about. If you recruit him a certain way he gets that broken title which people online don't comment on much instead focusing on him not having crouch and prone, which is also annoying, but fixed with Requiem's patch...This is CLEARLY related to the fact that you can either pick him up on that map or in the recruit pool later, which he will sometimes shrug off. I opened it up with a save file editor after tinkering in FTools and noticed it might be simply due to a dash being in the wrong place. Is this the case or what?
  • I have seen so many solutions mentioned to the random encounter crash bug and the corresponding cluster of 4 encounters around one spot, that I am overwhelmed. I want to have all these fixes in a mod, which would essentially add new locations and fix broken/stupid things, mostly the worthless special encounters, but also add some repeatable quests I hope. I saw Redux removed those from the main path and was wondering specifics on that. I also heard about planting spawn in the lakebed where you can't get it so it won't crash when all the encounters are found.
  • Do any of you play this online?
  • Xconn and Endocore likely inspired me the most to pursue this when I saw what they accomplished. I must applaud any modder of these old games but especially a Tactics modder, considering you get next to no recognition for most mods anyway, especially this mutated bastard, once maligned for not being enough RPG...in a series now missing most of it's RPG!
  • How complicated is the world location resetting issue in regards to open world mods? I saw Xconn worked up some method for dealing with...maintaining the state the towns are in when you leave them. I suppose this would have something to do with Triggers playing when you first enter a map no matter what due to the Tactics MISSION BRIEFING style structure?
  • I am a noob at scripting, but I have managed with Gzdoom/Decorate/ACS a bit. Does Tactics get much more complicated than that with simple scripts? I just don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I essentially want to combine some elements of Redux, Xconn Ripoff, any remaining bug fixes, and a bunch of wild wasteland style encounters. Could we do a Perk for that btw? How hardcoded and fucked up are perks? Is Sniper still broken no matter what? Can we remove broken perks?
  • How hard would it be to make NPC's stay at the bunker on screen visible when not recruited?
  • The crouching when entering a vehicle bug. Is there a way to script this to just not allow you to enter to avoid it?
  • How far along did that Fallout Tactics 2 mod get? It looks dead. Is the brief snippet we have from Gareth Savis I think his name was on Codex the most info on that we got?
  • It looks like Duck and Cover at one point had a little more interest in Tactics. Is that safe to say? Why are there no mods for this game? I know it is buggy and unloved but is it that lacking? Personally fuck dialog options at this point. We need Jagged Alliance just as much as Planescape Torment.
  • One tiny idea I have is putting hand placed loot in a bunch of spots. Any things I need to take into consideration with this?
  • Enter/exit points for vehicles on all maps...
  • Give me your spiel on the Tactics engine, it's quirks, tutorials you learned from that nobody knows about, brainstorms, etc. Any discussion on Tactics from the modders in one place will be helpful. If there was a mass MESSAGE MODDERS button I would press it, and get all F1, F2, and FTactics modders here to make a baby. I am wanting to update our download sections with old Tactics mods since we are sorely lacking. If any of you have stockpiles of old files they could be handy.
I will post any further questions I have here...

Yep. Just got the dreaded encounter crash. Haha. Dammit I just got Pip. So I used the fix from Redux. SEcrashfix.cam and bos.cam. What did that entail exactly in those two files?
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I'm fairly new to FoT modding (comparatively at least), so I don't have quite as much of a historical view on some of the earlier fixes/discussions.

My focus has been on finding and implementing fixes and extensions that can be used by other modders, rather than building a playable mod myself (I don't have the creativity or patience for building a full mod, yet I have the patience to dig through machine code line by line .. go figure). I'd love a thorough list of known bugs/issues (ideally by priority/importance), so that I can look into some of them while adding trigger points for my extension engine.

To some of the specific points:

Pipboy: For the lack of crouching/prone, I think this had to do with the sprite missing animations for these positions. From what I understand from other threads, certain actions are prohibited when the animation for that action is missing. And for the name - I can look into why that change happens - or, add the ability for a script in my extension to replace the name if it ends up wrong. (I'd prefer to know the root cause, rather than working around it, in case that causes other issues too.)

Random encounters crash: This is one I can look into. Since it actually crashes at the point of the bug, it should be easy enough to find with the debugger. Would anyone happen to have a save file that's one encounter away from crashing? (I'm only up to Quincy on my current playthrough - not enough time to mod and play too. :)

Open-world and saving state of maps: I know Jarekfall had been looking into some of this, with the fix to the "Goto mission" trigger in the FT Improver mod. It may be that his code could be a factor in a solution. Unfortunately, he hasn't been around for a while, so I'm considering opening up his mod and finding how it fixes that issue, so I can put in similar functionality.

Perks: This is one area I've focused on quite a bit. Perks are hardcoded, so there's no real customization you can do from the official tools. My extension engine allows specifying new perks (up to the in-game table maximum of 111), and tying behavior to certain parts of the game code to add capabilities beyond just "add X to stat Y".

Perks bugs: Team Player and Loner are bugged out-of-the-box; I've created a hex patch that fixes both. Sniper is also broken out-of-the-box, and the hex fix for it is confirmed to work (be aware that the bonus only seems to apply for "long-range" weapons - sniper rifles, the laser rifle, etc.). Bend/Break the Rules are not functional even if you force them on - think I read that this was an intentional change for balance reasons. There are others (and traits too) that have described bugs, but I haven't had a chance to look into them yet. And yes, there is potential to remove "useless" perks, so they can be replaced with something more interesting. This will take some work, though, to remove any existing behavior prior to adding the new behavior.

Crouching into vehicles bug: This should be easy enough to fix. Had an issue with the Team Player perk fix where modified stats weren't being cleaned up properly, figure this will be something similar.

NPCs visible when not recruited: Not sure how much is currently possible. Might be able to add extension functionality to set the team ID and a default AI when a NPC leaves, but this is an area I'd need to research.

On compiling information: I'm going to be adding a lot of documentation I've dug up in my investigations to the GitHub wiki for my project. First set will be on the combat calculations (to-hit chance, critical hit chance and effects, and damage calculation). But I have no issue with opening up the wiki for other contributions (bug lists, FT tools tutorials or tricks, known hex fixes, etc.).
My focus has been on finding and implementing fixes and extensions that can be used by other modders, rather than building a playable mod myself (I don't have the creativity or patience for building a full mod, yet I have the patience to dig through machine code line by line .. go figure). I'd love a thorough list of known bugs/issues (ideally by priority/importance), so that I can look into some of them while adding trigger points for my extension engine.

In my experience every time I have modded a game it has started for myself, then became something I intend to share with others. I have the creativity but ADHD and Dyslexia kick my ass when staring at screens for long periods of time, so a large scale project is too much to handle all on my own, because I will over work myself to exhaustion day after day. Scripting essentially I can learn to be good at, but my impairments makes it too much of a hassle to ever logically pursue in force. Writing, design, some art, some scripting...we could complement each other well here. In order for Tactics to be enjoyable by our fanbase at large I think it needs these bugs fixed at the minimum:

  • Vehicle crouching stat change.
  • The 1% burst
  • Core_Pipboy/recruit bugs...any recruit bugs.
  • All CTB/ATB bugs should be addressed. Personally I switch back and forth. I don't think forcing people to use either or is good for NMA personally. It just makes people not play it.
  • Perks
  • Possible to look into bullets through walls? In some ways it makes sense in others...
I know Redux fixed some things as I said, but it changed other things that some did not agree with.

Pipboy: For the lack of crouching/prone, I think this had to do with the sprite missing animations for these positions. From what I understand from other threads, certain actions are prohibited when the animation for that action is missing. And for the name - I can look into why that change happens - or, add the ability for a script in my extension to replace the name if it ends up wrong. (I'd prefer to know the root cause, rather than working around it, in case that causes other issues too.)

I have the Requiem fix but I think I had to use NMA archive to get it. At any rate this is part of my motivation to do this. Tactics is abandoned when it comes to our download section. Even at ModDb it is apparent the game has never gotten much attention. When I saw recent debugging tools and stuff were barely being mentioned it seems appropriate to bring it up...I think we have what we need to fix this shit...

Random encounters crash: This is one I can look into. Since it actually crashes at the point of the bug, it should be easy enough to find with the debugger. Would anyone happen to have a save file that's one encounter away from crashing? (I'm only up to Quincy on my current playthrough - not enough time to mod and play too. :)

I MIGHT have one if I did not just delete it.

Better yet look at Redux SEcrash fix and the BOS.cam file to see what he did to fix it...he later changed the method I think. It stopped the crash but I believe this might be the one where he moved the random encounters. I haven't had time to look into it deeply.


If that is the case it is a workaround instead of a fix which is...not ideal I guess.

Open-world and saving state of maps: I know Jarekfall had been looking into some of this, with the fix to the "Goto mission" trigger in the FT Improver mod. It may be that his code could be a factor in a solution. Unfortunately, he hasn't been around for a while, so I'm considering opening up his mod and finding how it fixes that issue, so I can put in similar functionality.

I don't know much about FT Improver although I think I added it on my install. I know it offers functions we need to move this thing forward. Xconn's mod is essentially open world. I feel relatively uninformed at the moment since I haven't cracked into that tool yet.

Perks: This is one area I've focused on quite a bit. Perks are hardcoded, so there's no real customization you can do from the official tools. My extension engine allows specifying new perks (up to the in-game table maximum of 111), and tying behavior to certain parts of the game code to add capabilities beyond just "add X to stat Y".

Perks bugs: Team Player and Loner are bugged out-of-the-box; I've created a hex patch that fixes both. Sniper is also broken out-of-the-box, and the hex fix for it is confirmed to work (be aware that the bonus only seems to apply for "long-range" weapons - sniper rifles, the laser rifle, etc.). Bend/Break the Rules are not functional even if you force them on - think I read that this was an intentional change for balance reasons. There are others (and traits too) that have described bugs, but I haven't had a chance to look into them yet. And yes, there is potential to remove "useless" perks, so they can be replaced with something more interesting. This will take some work, though, to remove any existing behavior prior to adding the new behavior.

This will be the main focus of the headache I think. Either perks need to be removed from use, changed, or fixed, because picking a perk that is broken will make someone quit immediately. My focus is giving Fallout love not more HATE. Heh. Could all of those hex patches be combined into a compilation with other bug fixes? See with Fallout New Vegas for instance you have esm or esp files. With Tactics it isn't quite a straightforward. My concern is making the whole process as smooth as possible. Basically dummy proof for any potential player.

Crouching into vehicles bug: This should be easy enough to fix. Had an issue with the Team Player perk fix where modified stats weren't being cleaned up properly, figure this will be something similar.

This reminds me of my friend that starts a project on my house saying then a week later we are cursing the world with broken knuckles. ;)

NPCs visible when not recruited: Not sure how much is currently possible. Might be able to add extension functionality to set the team ID and a default AI when a NPC leaves, but this is an area I'd need to research.

It is a novelty but maintaining the illusion of a living breathing world is something the old Fallout did and Tactics slightly failed at. Mods like Redux and Xconn's Ripoff have done much to improve that but I feel...essentially they should be combined. Not literally but you take both those mods, further refine the bug problems, and do some SMART redesigning of issues that have plagued the game for years? You got yourself something great.

On compiling information: I'm going to be adding a lot of documentation I've dug up in my investigations to the GitHub wiki for my project. First set will be on the combat calculations (to-hit chance, critical hit chance and effects, and damage calculation). But I have no issue with opening up the wiki for other contributions (bug lists, FT tools tutorials or tricks, known hex fixes, etc.).

This sounds great, but I am also referring to making Tutorials here at NMA easily accessible for any potential future modders. I look forward to further correspondence!
I'm pretty sure the Pipboy recruit can be fixed real easy like...

The special encounter crash -- dunno -- I tried The fix and still didn't work for me -- To avoid a crash simply circle around the area where the crash happens -- it's all about being on a certain world map square and something loading improperly causing the crash.

Making the actual recruits visible (like Wasteland 2) can't really be done. However you can make a 'clone' appear and it provides an in game Illusion. I implemented this work around in my mod when you buy a house, and you get some guard dogs. I wanted the guard dogs (Zeus and Apollo from Magnum PI) to patrol the perimeter, and I succeeded in getting it to work. But it is imperfect, because if the Recruit dies then it bugs up. Also too, the dog entity that patrols will never gain xp or level up, because they are two different entities.

Regarding bos.cam and .cam files, you can not simply exchange .cam files, they contain different values for the individual campaign. Also, to see the effects of a change to the campaign file you have to start a new game.

To get Redux to be compatable with my Rippoff Mod, one would have to modify many triggers. My mod has many many MANY (Campaign) variables woven through the campaign above and beyond that which is the Vanilla game. It would be a thorough undertaking...

Regarding Vehicles on a map, you can allow a vehicle on any map, no problem. HOWEVER, a vehicle counts as one of your team when scripting and this can greatly cause unexpected consequences for triggers.... So, if a NPC in my mod tells you to leave your vehicle outside of town, please heed the message and do so...

Best place to learn is probably DAC, the old threads there teach everything. Why are there few Mods for FOT ??

Because not enough people care about this game. Honestly , I'd rather be modding Wasteland 2, and the shear amount of time involved makes most Mods into vaporware. It took me more than 10 years to get my mod out. Everybody always has big dreams and plans, very few can follow through.... That's not to say it can't be done!! Good luck!
I'm pretty sure the Pipboy recruit can be fixed real easy like...

The special encounter crash -- dunno -- I tried The fix and still didn't work for me -- To avoid a crash simply circle around the area where the crash happens -- it's all about being on a certain world map square and something loading improperly causing the crash.

Making the actual recruits visible (like Wasteland 2) can't really be done. However you can make a 'clone' appear and it provides an in game Illusion. I implemented this work around in my mod when you buy a house, and you get some guard dogs. I wanted the guard dogs (Zeus and Apollo from Magnum PI) to patrol the perimeter, and I succeeded in getting it to work. But it is imperfect, because if the Recruit dies then it bugs up. Also too, the dog entity that patrols will never gain xp or level up, because they are two different entities.

Regarding bos.cam and .cam files, you can not simply exchange .cam files, they contain different values for the individual campaign. Also, to see the effects of a change to the campaign file you have to start a new game.

To get Redux to be compatable with my Rippoff Mod, one would have to modify many triggers. My mod has many many MANY (Campaign) variables woven through the campaign above and beyond that which is the Vanilla game. It would be a thorough undertaking...

Regarding Vehicles on a map, you can allow a vehicle on any map, no problem. HOWEVER, a vehicle counts as one of your team when scripting and this can greatly cause unexpected consequences for triggers.... So, if a NPC in my mod tells you to leave your vehicle outside of town, please heed the message and do so...

Best place to learn is probably DAC, the old threads there teach everything. Why are there few Mods for FOT ??

Because not enough people care about this game. Honestly , I'd rather be modding Wasteland 2, and the shear amount of time involved makes most Mods into vaporware. It took me more than 10 years to get my mod out. Everybody always has big dreams and plans, very few can follow through.... That's not to say it can't be done!! Good luck!

Thanks man! Good to know what is and is not possible. I'm not saying combine all of Redux though. I am saying combine individual fixes as best as possible. The fact that we still have broken perks bugs the hell outta me. The vehicle thing sounds like a pain in the ass. The visible recruits is a no go then too. Is Wasteland 2 that moddable? It seemed like it never got proper support for that.

Well this VAULT has a bunch of useful stuff on Tactics...

The SECrash fix removes all special encounters totally....ok I am spent. Learned a lot today. Endocore did leave his stuff modular and I do believe he stopped working on it before the current tools were around so Perks might still be workable...
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The fact that we still have broken perks bugs the hell outta me.
In this last equilibrium update I removed or replaced most of the stuff that's broken or pointless. The concept of giving combat value to skill gated or support perks might not be for everyone, though.
In this last equilibrium update I removed or replaced most of the stuff that's broken or pointless. The concept of giving combat value to skill gated or support perks might not be for everyone, though.

Funny I have been around for years but I never came down here and bumped into you guys really. I'll go through your thread soon Raics. I wanted to learn what I could about the Tools and Redux before I got to yours. I will need to look closely at your mod. I haven't gotten to it yet. Btw you can get a Sticky on Equilibrium if you want. The rest of you Bigwigs too if you like. It might lower your view count though. :salute:

Now I think I just need Endocore, Requiem, and Robert House to show up randomly. Haha. I'm thinking with any modification I do, worrying about purism is a bit pointless. I'm not sure what specifically you're referring to though, so I cannot say. I do know playing in CTB is a lot more fun with this than most people might think, being used to Fallout 1 and 2, it might not seem that way...

@raics Do you think you have earned your Modder tag yet? It will help identify you if someone has bugs or whatever.
My mod is probably the least technical of the bunch, it's mostly just entity and level editiing, a few event scripts and hex tweaking for perks, it's pretty much tiptoeing around the rotten apples so it's nothing too fancy. Its the amount of minor content that got it whatever the rep it has but I'm here if there's anything you might want to ask.

Thanks for the offer, but you don't really need bother with stickies and tags, there isn't much activity here anyway and people are usually getting the mod from moddb, that's where they're contacting me if there's anything to report.
My mod is probably the least technical of the bunch, it's mostly just entity and level editiing, a few event scripts and hex tweaking for perks, it's pretty much tiptoeing around the rotten apples so it's nothing too fancy. Its the amount of minor content that got it whatever the rep it has but I'm here if there's anything you might want to ask.

Thanks for the offer, but you don't really need bother with stickies and tags, there isn't much activity here anyway and people are usually getting the mod from moddb, that's where they're contacting me if there's anything to report.

No problemo. It's more for your benefit anyway. I will be pestering you in the days ahead if you are available.
I have some experience with crouch/prone bug and I think I know where the bug might be. Crouch/prone animations for pipboy are not missing. I use them in my mod. Problem occurs with damn races. When you select a race for an entity (Pipboy is a race to choose in the list), the code determine a series of things by default (stats, available portraits, sprite and so forth. Some races are jammed with a single sprite file that you can't change no matter what. Some other (like turret race for instance) don't have a hardcoded sprite file attached. Similarily, most races totally skip the ability to crouch/prone even if a sprite animation exists. I don't know why but that's it. The same way, if you choose the Mutant race, you can't use a pistol. Finally, most races are not compatible with character portraits. Only Ghouls, Mutants, Humans have a portrait list, and only ghouls and human have a female and male portrait list I think. Which means, if you want to have single player main character various choices of race, you should stick with mutants, ghouls and humans.
I have some experience with crouch/prone bug and I think I know where the bug might be. Crouch/prone animations for pipboy are not missing. I use them in my mod. Problem occurs with damn races. When you select a race for an entity (Pipboy is a race to choose in the list), the code determine a series of things by default (stats, available portraits, sprite and so forth. Some races are jammed with a single sprite file that you can't change no matter what. Some other (like turret race for instance) don't have a hardcoded sprite file attached. Similarily, most races totally skip the ability to crouch/prone even if a sprite animation exists. I don't know why but that's it. The same way, if you choose the Mutant race, you can't use a pistol. Finally, most races are not compatible with character portraits. Only Ghouls, Mutants, Humans have a portrait list, and only ghouls and human have a female and male portrait list I think. Which means, if you want to have single player main character various choices of race, you should stick with mutants, ghouls and humans.

I was just thinking yesterday that you were one of the modders I left out haha, as I scrolled down through here...

I saw that Pipboy was race when I was looking through the editor. Core_Pipboy drove me crazy until I figured it out. I was thinking of renaming him Vault Man or something to that effect.

What about Deathclaws though? They can crouch.
I was just thinking yesterday that you were one of the modders I left out haha, as I scrolled down through here...

I saw that Pipboy was race when I was looking through the editor. Core_Pipboy drove me crazy until I figured it out. I was thinking of renaming him Vault Man or something to that effect.

What about Deathclaws though? They can crouch.

Oh, yeah, Deathclaw... Hard to say, I didn't played with it much. It can prone/crouch that is certain, but as I didn't used that race a while ago when I was using as much races as I could to diversify main characters skins (a mistake, finally), I assume it was not really usable back then. I guess hard code make it impossible to use guns with them, something like that...
Oh, yeah, Deathclaw... Hard to say, I didn't played with it much. It can prone/crouch that is certain, but as I didn't used that race a while ago when I was using as much races as I could to diversify main characters skins (a mistake, finally), I assume it was not really usable back then. I guess hard code make it impossible to use guns with them, something like that...

One of my goals with one of these Fallout mods is to implement:


But Tactics scares me with some of this shit. Haha.

I'm not looking to work on a project hardcore for 10 years like my man Xconn over here at the moment because I have already promised too many things I need to do first. I would be 43 if I did that. It has to be calculated. And I need to help Mutants Rising first.

My hope is to one day get everyone together at NMA to work on something. Not something HUGE because it WILL NOT GET DONE. Something small. We take a bunch of guys that know what the fuck they are doing and you can hammer out a No Mutants Allowed bar or something like that.
One of my goals with one of these Fallout mods is to implement: https://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/S'Lanter

Oh yeah never heard of those... Quite interesting and a bit silly, exactly what Fallout stands for no? And it's fun to realise people spent so much time adding "historical" contents to wikis with quotes and so much other stuff.

'm not looking to work on a project hardcore for 10 years like my man Xconn over here at the moment because I have already promised too many things I need to do first. I would be 43 if I did that. It has to be calculated.

I don't know. If I could work for another 10 years on my mod I might do it ha! Love it so much. And I think (with some twitch) Tactics is still to this day a great modding platform. Any other 3D projects looks totally out of scale for creators like me. With tactics, you find an google image, write some texts, and two-minutes later you have an item, a piece of content, a dialogue or a holodisk. A bit too much hard-coded stuff and no global triggers at all (I probably lost months on simulating global triggers...), but so much has been made to crack the code at this time this is amazing!

And I need to help Mutants Rising first.

Are you talking about the this mod? https://www.moddb.com/mods/mutants-rising1
I stumbled on this yesterday and told myself: "What pure lost gem is that?!!"

My hope is to one day get everyone together at NMA to work on something. Not something HUGE because it WILL NOT GET DONE. Something small. We take a bunch of guys that know what the fuck they are doing and you can hammer out a No Mutants Allowed bar or something like that.

Count me in of course! Whatever platform is used for this, I'd love to participate. Any type of project, really. I can be very good at item design, worldmap making and silly ideas. Whatever's needed.
Oh yeah never heard of those... Quite interesting and a bit silly, exactly what Fallout stands for no? And it's fun to realise people spent so much time adding "historical" contents to wikis with quotes and so much other stuff.

I don't know. If I could work for another 10 years on my mod I might do it ha! Love it so much. And I think (with some twitch) Tactics is still to this day a great modding platform. Any other 3D projects looks totally out of scale for creators like me. With tactics, you find an google image, write some texts, and two-minutes later you have an item, a piece of content, a dialogue or a holodisk. A bit too much hard-coded stuff and no global triggers at all (I probably lost months on simulating global triggers...), but so much has been made to crack the code at this time this is amazing!

Are you talking about the this mod? https://www.moddb.com/mods/mutants-rising1
I stumbled on this yesterday and told myself: "What pure lost gem is that?!!"

Count me in of course! Whatever platform is used for this, I'd love to participate. Any type of project, really. I can be very good at item design, worldmap making and silly ideas. Whatever's needed.

I might be one of the few people alive that like the little raccoon bastards. I know they are silly, but Fallout is pretty retarded in general if you think about it long enough. Especially now.

Mutants Rising is here.


It is a bit quiet but they are there.

It is good to know you like the idea. We will see what we can figure out when the time comes.
I've added the vehicle crouch bug, the burst fire bug, and the random encounter crash to my to-do list.

I've also found a few bugs while digging into the internals of combat calculations, and I'll be fixing those as well. This list includes a broken critical type (disarm) that causes some critical hits to be extremely underwhelming, a table lookup bug where unarmed and melee attacks have wildly varying results (this is why punching left legs is so deadly), and an apparent 15% damage increase from the Bonus H2H Attacks perk (which presumably should have been applied to Bonus H2H Damage instead).

Gory details are on my project wiki (still being finished; let me know if you want me to add a thread with the same info here as well):

Aren't they planned for FIXT ?

Are they? I never heard of that. That peaks my interest.

I've added the vehicle crouch bug, the burst fire bug, and the random encounter crash to my to-do list.

I've also found a few bugs while digging into the internals of combat calculations, and I'll be fixing those as well. This list includes a broken critical type (disarm) that causes some critical hits to be extremely underwhelming, a table lookup bug where unarmed and melee attacks have wildly varying results (this is why punching left legs is so deadly), and an apparent 15% damage increase from the Bonus H2H Attacks perk (which presumably should have been applied to Bonus H2H Damage instead).

Gory details are on my project wiki (still being finished; let me know if you want me to add a thread with the same info here as well):


Wow. Yes. Any thread here with information on Tactics fixes is most welcome. I hope that we can kind of eliminate any potential extra work by people seeing what fixes are already available.


The one and only Prosper had this to say apparently he watches NMA, or me talking to him peaked his interest and he looked me up:
If you can get melindil who is creating/created the scripting engine for fallout tactics to add:
-Ability to read and set trigger variable values by script (absolutely the most freaking important thing for all modders productivity)
-OnMapLoad event/callback for LUA
-Ability to know the name of the current save game the player is playing for LUA

LUA supports save/load to files on its own, and so if we can interact with the trigger variables of FOT missions/maps from LUA, we can not only backup those variables we can also come up with our own data structures to work with that is far more efficient way of designing mission content.

Regarding importance of last two items:
On each MapLoad the Current Save's title could be used to looked up an additional data file for that Save and we could modify/restore variables consistently.

I have no clue what he means about LUA since I know little about it so...
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The reading and setting trigger variables is already working, and will be in version 0.30 (will be done once I finish the last bit of the combat mechanics investigation - hopefully next week). This also includes a trigger callback, where a Lua script is called anytime a variable changes.

I also have a thought on an approach to saving additional state. I found the routine that serializes the Actor entities for save and load, so I can add a hook for Lua to add content to Actors when the game is saved, and receive it back on load. This could then be extended to other types (weapon, inventory, world). If this doesn't pan out, an alternative would be to generate something like a UUID and embed it in the saved game, so that Lua could guarantee it gets the right data on load (concerns of re-loading and re-saving over the same files if done by just name).
Are they? I never heard of that. That peaks my interest.

I have no idea. So far, the FIXT doesn't bring that much new content. (i mean, like new maps\quests\NPCs) The biggest being the part with the super-mutants invading the wasteland if you take too much time, but it feels kind of unfinished.