All in one place. To discuss the state of Fallout Tactics, the various bugs, mods, the future, and to answer some questions.
I won't beat around the bush too much since my opinion on Tactics is fairly well known (I like it a lot and think it is underrated), so I will jump right into it. This will be scattershot since I am fairly new to Tactics modding and a lot of the threads related to it...I did do my research though.
Yep. Just got the dreaded encounter crash. Haha. Dammit I just got Pip. So I used the fix from Redux. SEcrashfix.cam and bos.cam. What did that entail exactly in those two files?
I won't beat around the bush too much since my opinion on Tactics is fairly well known (I like it a lot and think it is underrated), so I will jump right into it. This will be scattershot since I am fairly new to Tactics modding and a lot of the threads related to it...I did do my research though.
- While modding Tactics I stumbled upon a number of bugs. Bugs with various fixes. Is Redux the definitive bug fix for Tactics essentially? I know we have Equilibrium. There seems to be a lot of fixes that might be able to be combined into one mod. I saw some that were Russian only which is a shame. I would learn Russian if I could.
- One bug is the Pipboy one which I have not seen mentioned in regards to its actual cause. The Core_Pipboy bug is the one I am talking about. If you recruit him a certain way he gets that broken title which people online don't comment on much instead focusing on him not having crouch and prone, which is also annoying, but fixed with Requiem's patch...This is CLEARLY related to the fact that you can either pick him up on that map or in the recruit pool later, which he will sometimes shrug off. I opened it up with a save file editor after tinkering in FTools and noticed it might be simply due to a dash being in the wrong place. Is this the case or what?
- I have seen so many solutions mentioned to the random encounter crash bug and the corresponding cluster of 4 encounters around one spot, that I am overwhelmed. I want to have all these fixes in a mod, which would essentially add new locations and fix broken/stupid things, mostly the worthless special encounters, but also add some repeatable quests I hope. I saw Redux removed those from the main path and was wondering specifics on that. I also heard about planting spawn in the lakebed where you can't get it so it won't crash when all the encounters are found.
- Do any of you play this online?
- Xconn and Endocore likely inspired me the most to pursue this when I saw what they accomplished. I must applaud any modder of these old games but especially a Tactics modder, considering you get next to no recognition for most mods anyway, especially this mutated bastard, once maligned for not being enough RPG...in a series now missing most of it's RPG!
- How complicated is the world location resetting issue in regards to open world mods? I saw Xconn worked up some method for dealing with...maintaining the state the towns are in when you leave them. I suppose this would have something to do with Triggers playing when you first enter a map no matter what due to the Tactics MISSION BRIEFING style structure?
- I am a noob at scripting, but I have managed with Gzdoom/Decorate/ACS a bit. Does Tactics get much more complicated than that with simple scripts? I just don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I essentially want to combine some elements of Redux, Xconn Ripoff, any remaining bug fixes, and a bunch of wild wasteland style encounters. Could we do a Perk for that btw? How hardcoded and fucked up are perks? Is Sniper still broken no matter what? Can we remove broken perks?
- How hard would it be to make NPC's stay at the bunker on screen visible when not recruited?
- The crouching when entering a vehicle bug. Is there a way to script this to just not allow you to enter to avoid it?
- How far along did that Fallout Tactics 2 mod get? It looks dead. Is the brief snippet we have from Gareth Savis I think his name was on Codex the most info on that we got?
- It looks like Duck and Cover at one point had a little more interest in Tactics. Is that safe to say? Why are there no mods for this game? I know it is buggy and unloved but is it that lacking? Personally fuck dialog options at this point. We need Jagged Alliance just as much as Planescape Torment.
- One tiny idea I have is putting hand placed loot in a bunch of spots. Any things I need to take into consideration with this?
- Enter/exit points for vehicles on all maps...
- Give me your spiel on the Tactics engine, it's quirks, tutorials you learned from that nobody knows about, brainstorms, etc. Any discussion on Tactics from the modders in one place will be helpful. If there was a mass MESSAGE MODDERS button I would press it, and get all F1, F2, and FTactics modders here to make a baby. I am wanting to update our download sections with old Tactics mods since we are sorely lacking. If any of you have stockpiles of old files they could be handy.
Yep. Just got the dreaded encounter crash. Haha. Dammit I just got Pip. So I used the fix from Redux. SEcrashfix.cam and bos.cam. What did that entail exactly in those two files?
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