How things are going in your area?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
It has been months that we are experiencing this Covid-19 pandemic. And it is has been really tough surviving when the time came that the majority of businesses closed off and the financial crisis overwhelmed most of the countries globally. Considering that there are several states/cities implementing another lockdown, how are you and your neighborhood adjusting yourselves to yet again another possible lockdown?
Our state never locked down like everyone else so financially we were not devastated. Our ICU beds are filling up faster than I would like but frankly I don't give a shit anymore. We are at the whims of powers greater than our own. Namely the governments of the world. The worst thing that will happen here is a mandatory mask mandate. In the big cities like Tulsa the Dems control so things are much worse. Also probably where most of the sick people are coming from in this state along with OKC.
Schools are closing down again, fucking finally, it doesn't do anything really but it cleans up the subway a little. Cases are rising and the real problem is indoor dining but without gov support we can't just axe the industry down, it hires like 300k people. Everything is tippy-toe until the gov decides to pump more money into the economy in the meantime, and that's not a given.

The IMF is saying next year will be a rebound, I hope so. UN is saying to be on the lookout for food shortages, here that just means raised prices on basics like in '09 for a spell, but stocking up on beans and the like wouldn't go amiss, enough to last a few months.
We've been in a light lockdown in for November, with indoor dining and gyms closed, and generally contact between more than two households limited, but takeout and delivery is still allowed and so it's mostly bars and clubs that are now getting fucked. Other than that our economy is just doing its thing at the moment, but we're probably getting fucked in the future.
As for numbers, well, it looks like about three weeks into this light lockdown the numbers are plateauing, but I have decent hopes that Christmas will be open enough so that our traditional Christmas BBQ can be done.
Not that there's anything to be done about it. Police some days ago used watercannons against a protest because they were refusing to wear masks. Not directly, but to soak the protestors in November weather. Guess who's getting sick from not wearing a mask!
People around here don't give a flying FUCK about the pandy. Everything is open, and the only place you're required to wear a mask is the big supercenters. And I'm in one of the "hardest hit" states. I'll give you a hint:

it rhymes with boreada
I currently live in a quiet place, so it even quieter and there is even less reasons to go to any places. But when i need paperwork, it is a nightmare. Somehow, this country think there is more risk at going to government offices than going to bars, gyms, restaurants etc...

Otherwise, it seems that thing has been going on for decades, and they are still some morons that pretends they need to be explained the basics things that have been there since the beginning. I am more pissed of by the morons than by the fact almost everything is closed.
Well, we're in a second lockdown right now. I live in London and can say, if it wasn't for the shops closing, you wouldn't think we're in lockdown.

I'm still working, which is alright actually, we just sell stuff on eBay and watch Gordon Ramsay. So I'm not complaining too much.
The shop is closed however, and you'd think with a national lockdown, the door saying closed and bars up people wouldn't come in, but you give People too much credit.

Obviously being in the UK, our government is trying to see if they can do worse than America. We're the highest death toll in Europe and we're an Island, go figure.

You know things are shit when Piers Morgan is the voice of reason.
I'm currently studying in the UK (Exeter) and as Millim said the UK is under a second lockdown. Thankfully I live in the same building as my girlfriend so we're part of a "bubble" but I won't lie I am going pretty stir crazy from the outside being shutdown. Doesn't help that it's deadline season either.
The reaction to our second lockdown is divided into "Yes, please mama spank us harder", "fuck off tyrants you can't make me", "oh shiiiiiiit the economy", and "REEEEEEE there was no first lockdown so it's not a second lockdown REEEEEEEEEEEEE".
It's fun. It's basically the same as it has been for month, except that the gyms and restaurants and bars are closed.
The reaction to our second lockdown is divided into "Yes, please mama spank us harder", "fuck off tyrants you can't make me", "oh shiiiiiiit the economy", and "REEEEEEE there was no first lockdown so it's not a second lockdown REEEEEEEEEEEEE".
It's fun. It's basically the same as it has been for month, except that the gyms and restaurants and bars are closed.

In the UK we already had the 10pm curfew which had a strange effect where it didn't stop people going out on the piss but it just meant everyone got totalled earlier in the evening. Suddenly 8pm in the streets of the city centre is the new 2am where everyone acts like embarassing lunatics in search of kebab because they've already been drunk since 4pm.

It says a lot about the alcohol culture in the UK that basically all lockdown restrictions are chiefly and primarily discussed in the context of how to get a drink, effectively. It's always "What are the rules about the pub" first and foremost. I'm not kidding. I mean, I'm a heavy drinker myself so I get it but it's still funny to me.

But now everyone does their booze shopping at the grocery place. I was talking to a clerk who said to me "This place turns into Weatherspoons after 7pm" just because everyone is stocking up for the evening to get trashed at home.
In the UK we already had the 10pm curfew which had a strange effect where it didn't stop people going out on the piss but it just meant everyone got totalled earlier in the evening. Suddenly 8pm in the streets of the city centre is the new 2am where everyone acts like embarassing lunatics in search of kebab because they've already been drunk since 4pm.

It says a lot about the alcohol culture in the UK that basically all lockdown restrictions are chiefly and primarily discussed in the context of how to get a drink, effectively. It's always "What are the rules about the pub" first and foremost. I'm not kidding. I mean, I'm a heavy drinker myself so I get it but it's still funny to me.

But now everyone does their booze shopping at the grocery place. I was talking to a clerk who said to me "This place turns into Weatherspoons after 7pm" just because everyone is stocking up for the evening to get trashed at home.

The 10.00PM curfew was so stupid. Of course people are going to stay out as late as they can.
It's like the Eat out to help out, I said when it started it'll just increase Covid cases, and low and behold, it did.

Everything this Government try to do just makes things worse. And now our PM is in self isolation again.

We're literally a joke.
In the UK we already had the 10pm curfew which had a strange effect where it didn't stop people going out on the piss but it just meant everyone got totalled earlier in the evening. Suddenly 8pm in the streets of the city centre is the new 2am where everyone acts like embarassing lunatics in search of kebab because they've already been drunk since 4pm.

It says a lot about the alcohol culture in the UK that basically all lockdown restrictions are chiefly and primarily discussed in the context of how to get a drink, effectively. It's always "What are the rules about the pub" first and foremost. I'm not kidding. I mean, I'm a heavy drinker myself so I get it but it's still funny to me.

But now everyone does their booze shopping at the grocery place. I was talking to a clerk who said to me "This place turns into Weatherspoons after 7pm" just because everyone is stocking up for the evening to get trashed at home.

Ahahaha I've always said during a recession (or now a pandy) the safest stock to invest in is any alcohol company.
Schools shut down. Indoor dining and gyms probably next week. Partial shutdown of businesses (75, 50, 25%) capacity after that most like. This thing explodes and coasts for a month or two. We've been through this rodeo before.

City is giving like 300 a week, so I won't starve if they close us down (We're in law, never fully reopened THAT field, lemme tell ya) but I prefer my normal cheque.
People around here don't give a flying FUCK about the pandy. Everything is open, and the only place you're required to wear a mask is the big supercenters. And I'm in one of the "hardest hit" states. I'll give you a hint:

it rhymes with boreada

Nevada? Regardless, I thought I should share and leave this article that I've just read for anyone who's been dealt with the most hardships from this past few months and tell you that it's a good thing that we are still alive and there will always be a brighter day waiting ahead of us.
Neighbors are quarantined because the schools opened up and surprise, now they all test positive. State's becoming a hotbed.

I'm fine though. I was already a recluse and I didn't lose my job so my life basically hasn't changed in any meaningful way besides wearing a mask at work and when I'm out and about. I got used to that quickly enough.
Third week of very little increase in Coof cases compared to a week before. Looks like plateauing.
We got our first Coofer in our company. Other than that, business as usual.
I am in the state of Maine where people have been largely compliant about social distancing and wearing masks, but a few churches have held services or weddings that involved larger gatherings of people and these events caused several outbreaks. Up until then, the number of cases was remarkably low. But Maine has been cautious. Most restaurants continue to be closed for indoor dining although they will offer takeout in many cases. Stores are open but no one is allowed in without a mask, and in some cases, the number of people inside at any given time is limited so as to maintain social distancing. And if your phone in order, they will pack it up for you and deliver it to your car. Both department stores like Walmart and supermarkets like Hannaford are practicing this kind of shopping experience. It's a big state, so there is no overall rule for school attendance. That's determined by the district, although I think most schools are working in person most of the time.

However, the rest of the United States is deeply divided, with many people convinced that COVID-19 is a hoax. It is sad that something as serious as the pandemic has become so politicized that people actually take sides and reject facts. You can read about that elsewhere in this forum today.
The whole "pandemic" is a joke. At first I thought I was too outside of it because I never lost my job and I'm a severe shut in so I never fell for the outside meme. All I need to be open Is the supermarket and the gas station. Then I caught covid and fellas I gotta say this has to be the most pussy ass virus to start a pandemic ever. All I did was hang around the house mildly uncomfortable for a week in quarintine. Didnt even have trouble breathing. What a joke. To hear other people tell it the country is broken and nothing is open and we destroyed how many lives and businesses for something this tame? Beyond that Europe seems like it's just using this as an excuse to step on its citizens from what I've heard. The entire world government is on some serious retard pills rn.