Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

Hey there, I have a question.

I noticed a strange thing happening in Vault 13. When starting a new game, and getting out of the Vault 13 cave for the first time, if you wait one day and then return you would be able to enter the Vault, as is stated in the Fallout Wiki: "The Vault will be inaccessible when starting the game. However, it can be entered after one day has elapsed in-game".

But what is happening is that I have to wait for two days and not one, and the first time I enter Vault 13 after the two days have passed I still cannot enter the Vault, only if I exit the cave again and enter again, this time with the Vault 13 image/map appering, with the options of which part of the Vault I want to enter it (The cave part being the only option) and then when I go to the computer Vault, I can open the Vault door and then enter it.

I do not think this is a bug, otherwise it would be corrected by now I believe, but why this is happening? This is something to do with the FO2 engine and how it works?
I can't remember right now why I did this, except that I thought nobody would ever go back into V13 exactly 1 day after starting the game.

/Edit: Tweaked the script, now V13 should be accessible the next ingame day.
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Its useful. You can get some XP with the Rebels quest and the computer on Level 3 (and easily get Lv2), some drugs and stimpacks and the Shotgun + quite a bit of ammo and other weapons that can be sold later on, so it really helps in the beggining. Also, that Vault Suit is cool in your companion, so its a plus.
I can't remember right now why I did this, except that I thought nobody would ever go back into V13 exactly 1 day after starting the game.

/Edit: Tweaked the script, now V13 should be accessible the next ingame day.

Just a sort of reminder.. @Lexx You've blocked early acces to the vault13 simply because You came to conclusion that after looting V13, early game becomes too easy.
You're no longer starved for 10mm ammo, plus you get a lot of stimpacks, a psycho and a superstim, and loads of early game xp. A Psycho this early in Fo1 is a bad idea, because now basically anybody can equip leather jacket, munch psycho and two doses of buffout (pickpocketed form raiders), and One ends with 10STR, 10AGI, 10EN and 70%DR. Considering that unarmed skill also get's boosted to max uninvested value. This causes the fight with Garl, a breeze. Now it's simply the case of enabling back armor drop, and You're ready to take on the rest of the raiders in your new not so shiny Metal Armor, plus spiked knuckles and a DEagle, and that's without a single point invstment in unarmed skill, and is possibly done with any kind of build :p

However It was Your decision, that You've decided to sway off from the original.

I'm not gonna lie, that as a dirty cheater that which I am, I'd love to welcome back the V13 early acces XD .

On a side note I'd look up Garl's stats during the fight. Because I'm pretty sure that in the original Garl kept His Psycho in an offscreen container, so that it couldn't be stolen from him, and munched it just before the ring fight (during fadeout/fadein but post map transtion). In my Fo1 vanilla playthrough I barely did any damage to him, even though i had like 10STR after munching 2x buffout. Most of the time when I've scored a hit it would be a hit for no damage, so I'm pretty sure his resistance and damage threshold stats are messed up. Probably the same way as party NPCs recruited while wearing armor are, cause the game gives them negative armor stat values equal to armor worn, so poor garl ends up not with metal armor stats, but 0/0% in all of his armor stats, Plus his armor class also get's lowered to basically unarmored npc, so he's also easier to hit than in the original.

Perhaps it would be balanced if returning to vanilla V13 acces but fixing Garl by removing his armor from the armor slot and giving his proto metal armor stats ( bonus to all damage resistances and thresholds of metal armor, plus bonus to Gar'ls armor class based on metal armor, plus make him munch a Psycho from an offscreen container before the fight on top of it). this would ensure that legit players would only succed in tackling him when making a proper 'unarmed build'.
That is invest in unarmed skill and take one or possibly at this stage even two (if RNGJesus of random encounter exp. allowes it) HtH build perks Like Bonus HtH damage. Then and only then Player should have a chance of beating Garl.
I honestly can't remember that this is the reason for the 2 days. It feels weird to me, because 2 days really aren't making a difference.

Unless Fixt changed more with the Garl fight, it should be as in Fo1 vanilla now (I removed the excess items from the raiders - stimpaks and drugs, etc).
ahh.. haven't read the guy clearly enaugh..
i always thought that You scripted it in such a way that One cannot enter the vault unless He returns with the chip.

I literally passed the first week and couldn't get inside so i loaded back a save and went on the quest. What I didn't knew was that I actually need to exit to worldmap and return after 48hrs, anyways seemes weird.
the Fo1 experience I got was indeed until the next day ( actually One could get in one minute past midnight on the next day so less than 24hrs although I don't remember was it in FIXT or vanilla).
Yeah. That actually is my case in 1st ever run, back in 1999: I dont know that we could return to it after one day. The water thief quest was done only after Necropolis trek.

Did I not waste time in that cave? Yes, but it didnt open, so I actually thought at the time that was just a ruse to get the prodigal son to go a.w.a.y. You know, without saying straight out.
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I just suffered through the V13 cave in Fo1 and ettu to compare, and both are working the same now with the latest script change. Killed all rats, waited till 0000 without leaving the map, used the terminal to open the vault door.
Hey there, running into an issue trying to run the newest version: "Can't find/load text fonts" Not sure if I messed up on install or what.
Well I won't be able to tell you without you giving more details of what you have done.

This error comes up if the game can't find the master.dat and critter.dat files. Thus you likely didn't install it correctly.
Well I won't be able to tell you without you giving more details of what you have done.

made a secondary copy of fallout 2 (GoG version), followed the read me, extracted filed to replace the (copy) fallout 2 files then followed instructions and extracted master.dat of fallout 1(also GoG ) . so may have been an error on my part in the install process.
extracted filed to replace the (copy) fallout 2 files

This is what the install instructions say:

  • Install FALLOUT ET TU into your Fallout 2 folder.
    • The folder structure must look like this:

You don't replace anything. Pretty sure your file paths are fucked up, thus the game can't find the master.dat / critter.dat files.
@Lexx Just so You know
My little secret Topaz Labs Video-enhance AI recently got an update, and it now works with AMD GPUs too!!
Lucky me did not have to get a RTX30xx in order to benefit from GPU calculated assistance in video polishing and upscaling. Right now I'm doing an avarage of 0.55- 1 frame of thge video processed per real life second that's freaking amazing in total I've upscaled Resurrection-old-tv intro to 1280x720 in around 20 minutes with somewhat quality gain. thanks to Topaz Labs video AI voodoo magic.

I've also made a quick snippet to proove i haven't snatched this from anyone. I've made a upscale of "mac-only" interplay logo the "mac play" ( to my knowledge nobody b4 did an upscale of this), although i should upload it smwhere, i have no idea where, since those liberal snitches at you tube will prolly put the video down and flag my account..

if you're interested in tis let me know.

the videos i posted previously (lkie a half a year ago were only a conversion of yt footage of a guy who upscaled Fo1 videos to 4k and 60fps. he totally screwed since Fo2 engine can't play 60fps vids, so they came out wonky, because i had to cut down fps and figure out correct bitrate. Here it's whole lot simpler as framerate stays native to originals.
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Looking to replay Fallout 1 and found this very promising mod.
First of all, kudos for the effort in putting it together!

I installed the mod as per instructions (gog Classic versions of Fallout 1 & 2).
My problem is that i am unable to play it in window mode+scale x2.
The high-res graphic mode in ingame screen settings is "stuck" in Basic 0


In f2_res.ini (Fallout1in2 folder), the setting is GRAPHICS_MODE=2.

Window+scale x2 works fine in Fallout 2 "parent" folder


  • upload_2021-4-8_23-1-25.png
    158 KB · Views: 276
My problem is that i am unable to play it in window mode+scale x2.
Does this work in vanilla Fo2?

I can't really help with anything High-Res patch related, as we are just using it like everyone else. No idea what could cause issues with it.

if you're interested in tis let me know.
Well, if these videos work, cool.
I'm not going to pack them into ettu, because it would blow the file size, but if it's an extra download then probably other people are interested in it as well.
Does this work in vanilla Fo2?

Thank you for you reply.

It works fine in Fo2 as installed by gog galaxy

Vanilla you mean the version as launched from interplay?
Gog version comes with hi-res 4.1.8, sfall 3.3 and patch 1.02 pre-installed.

I will try to find a old installer of the game and try it again.

Do i need to install anything other than you mod in a vanilla version? Patches? Hi-res mod?

Fron what i can understand, the problem is that the graphics mode is set to basic 0 for some reason when i launch fallout2.exe in fallout2\fallout1in2 dir. When in launch fallout2.exe from fallout2 dir, graphics mode is 2
Do i need to install anything other than you mod in a vanilla version? Patches? Hi-res mod?
No, it has everything integrated.

You could try to copy&paste the highres patch from that other Fo2 installation and see what happens, though technically it should be the same files.
Just as I decided to play Fallout games from the start again and wondered if there's any mod which improved the first Fallout, I found this mod. Now I'm at Hub and I can say it's great. Thanks a lot for your hard work. Just a quick question; I know it's pure cosmetic, but do you plan to fully implement settlement reputations? I did all the quests in Junktown and could only achieve "Accepted". At any rate, great work.
I'm tweaking it from time to time, but I don't really have plans to do anything big with it. However, it should be possible to get idolized in Junktown (and any other town except the Glow, Raiders, Mariposa, and Cathedral).