Recent content by 0wing

  1. 0wing

    RangerBoo Plays Life Is Strange Livestream

    Somehow I knew how you look without seeing any photos previously, kek.
  2. 0wing

    Daddy, daddy, I want THAT one.

    Fully upgraded rooster.
  3. 0wing

    Ranger Boo Plays And Reviews

    Sooner the better, I still don't know what to do with a lended copy of this game, play or play frisbee with street mutts. One year later, yes.
  4. 0wing

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    So pre-apocalypse, huh? Is this an Omega Syndrome inspired title by any way?
  5. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    It's the best chosen one story ever written because of it. Your character looks like a village idiot to others when he brags about being the chosen one (by who, other village idiots?), which later will contrast with people reaction after the endgame when Enclave is defeated and how everyone...
  6. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    And people keep saying that Crusaders of Steel questline is this mod's salvation. LoL!
  7. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Even butthurted, he's still lying. Pathological liar, pants on fire. His nose is longer than telephone wire. Some nexus community modder died after suffering a heart attack with no 4chan Sneedclave squad involvement. But Xilandro has different intel again. RENT! FREE!!!
  8. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    He's lying. How do I know he's lying? I overheard him in the infamous interview saying that writers of their (dis)respective parts of Frontier worked isolated from each other due to their inflated ego and as such, not wanting to communicate with other team members about tying the work into...
  9. 0wing

    Which dystopia has the best aesthetic?

    Exceot it's based on Ray Bradbury's short story who's hardly a russkie unless there's some shocking revelations proving otherwise...
  10. 0wing

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    From what I've seen in 2020 update, it's better than Fallout 4 now as a video game. So here's that.
  11. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    ] Dare I say... Based? Wait. No, I won't. He does terrible job at writing these things. 'K it's only half-improvement since FNV introduces craftable weapon repairing kits and it's better alternative to both. Armor repairing is fucked, tho. Economy is somewhat okay in the early game, don't be...
  12. 0wing

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Which one, Dims or BIS?
  13. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    >"-tgspy" :hatersgonnahate:
  14. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Enough. It's not a post about the internals, he specifically wrote out what on his biased bethestard opinion is good (the writing), ommitting everything else what was better than anything bugthesda ever produced since FO3. (everything) That line, "New vegas inverts what Fallout 3 did good" says...
  15. 0wing

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    You know, Frontier would be a lot better if filled with gachi jokes instead of that shit it's known for now. The military aesthetics and the hot clash of NCR and Legion jabroni rejects in a frozen wasteland of Portland of all places - this just cums together naturally.