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  • Requesting that image that compares all Fallout titles, New Vegas is FO3, FO3 is BOS: 2, and FO4 is BOS: 3, or something like that.
    Could you be more specific?
    I just posted it in a newest status update, in case you haven't seen it. :D
    There are people genuinely upset at being spoiled Nuka World's "secret".
    Ah, another Boston Salt Party I see
    When the next two Bethesda Fallout games are released, the ratio will be 3 good games to 4 bad ones. Fallout officially will be shit.
    Is that how it works here? You toil in the salt mines until the next shipment of scrubs arrive, then you get promoted to salt baron and the cycle continues?
    I'm earning my salt baron degree.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Mansa Musa, King of Mali, was the richest guy ever.

    Part of his wealth was salt, the rest was gold.

    This website is salt and pure gold

    We're all rich.
    "Nick Valentine - The idle animation that simply blew me away". That blew you away, dude? Really, dude?
    It will take only another Bethesda game until Fallout is officially a bad franchise (3-4 good Fallouts against 4-5 bad Fallouts).
    Guys, why not recreate the classic equipment into NV? "Nah man, we need more skimpy outfits and weeaboo weapons."
    Do you mean "into NV" or "from NV"?
    Because there is a mod for FNV that has a lot of classic weapons from Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics made many years ago, you can find it here:
    A friend of mine was working on an updated version but I have no idea if he gave up on it or something, I will ask him next time I see him :P
    That's the only mod that does it, sadly, it is of questionable quality... I wish Millenia had given it a try, his work is top notch. I was also thinking about armor, like the classic Leather Armor that's made of motorcycle football equipment.
    FO4 is so bad people are actually excited about features already present in NV+Mods (and much better executed).
    It's comforting to know there's a forum that thinks just like I do about the new Fallouts. A shame it is dying.
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