You could replace the cazadores at Brewers Bootlegging with some of those swamp-billies. :)
No clue on modding it though. I leave that to the professionals.
If you actually wanted to live there, rather than flip a house, you could do it ridiculously cheap. All depends on how much elbow grease you're willing to expend.
$500 dollar house?
I'm going to quit smoking and use the money I save over the next two weeks to buy Detroit. Good deals to be had. Shame about the death of American industry though. We used to make nice things.
oh god no. anything but that.
I'll admit to being surprised that all the mountain bikes seem to have been eradicated in the fallout universe. But Grand Theft Huffy doesn't have the same ring to it, I guess.
One of these, about the size of a VW Bus.
Toco Toucan
Interesting features:
"The bill has the ability to modify blood flow and so regulate heat distribution in the bird, allowing it to use its bill as a thermal radiator."...
Re-watched Fallen last night. Yup. Still excellent.
John Goodman rocked the ending.
Tonight it'll have to be Virtuosity...mostly so I can fanboi on Traci Lords.
^ 9/10 I'd like to point out that I'm not a Pink Floyd fan by any stretch of the imagination, but that's a cool track.
10/10 Because he made wellies sexy. I hear he did some other less important stuff as well, like winning the battle of Assaye, and defeating that short guy at Waterloo, and championing the reverse slope defense. But the boots are what counts.
I'm most afraid of humanity, really. We've very powerful, and very bad at foreseeing consequences.
Also, obligatory video:
My thoughts as well. Mirkwood anyone? That said, if they were done right, maybe it would be different.
Lol @ Racoons of NIMH
I agreed that parallel evolution (ie. writing and speaking human languages) is a bad idea. It makes no sense whatsoever. Something more along the lines of a...