Recent content by aegis

  1. A

    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza about israel "self defence", not that i expect any of you to side israel. and here's a gaza expert from ramalla who gets owned why 400 dead, blah..
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    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

    yeah fuck israel, lets all fuck israel, then see all islam cover the face europe which is already half arab filled with ignorant fucks who dont have a clue how to behave to other beings, not to mention fuck israel, lets all gather around and fuck israel up the ass. well, fuck you...
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    Penny Arcade talks on Fallout 3, socrates200x replies

    here's real turn based combat!
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    Penny Arcade talks on Fallout 3, socrates200x replies

    if you're reffering to TB... but i don't think the market that bought FF is the same audiance who is targeting for PC legacy could be right
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    Penny Arcade talks on Fallout 3, socrates200x replies

    I don't believe that a company like Beth will define the standard of a game by the best possible presentation of combat TB or ISO, their last game reminded me of the diablo I , where a company took what it thought to be the best selling feature in each genre and just combined it to make more...
  6. A

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    here's an example of proportion: in short they just falsified a picture of bombing in lebanon, if this 1 exists imagine how many more.. why do you see only this side? is it impossible for you to grasp that the...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    just when you were starting to make sense you go on and curse. you just criticise us from your comfortable chair thousends of miles away, well i curse those who cant see what hizbullah is doing to israel, like all in israel intrest is to kill civilians, yeah, to satisfy my blood lust for...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    and what would you do einstein? give hizbullah chocolate after thier hostile act. it is clear that this war was forced upon us. and i guess the chocolate solution is your suggestion when you are bombard from civilian areas? thats the best thing you can do for them, beside getting into the...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    facts: israel did NOT attack lebanon, she left it in 2000. israel IS giving warnings to BOTH civilians and hizbullah to clear areas where they are going to bomb. hizbullah IS firing rockets from populated civilians areas. hizbullah fired about 3000 rockets and has much more on north israel...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    of course, every article i bring to you is "opinion" and every thing you bring is "proof", because everything i bring is propaganda. i gather pictures and numbers are considered facts only when they are on your side. ok thats it. i was in haifa when 10 people were killed there yesterday...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    here are some proofs: dont worry, i will relate to everything you talked about from now on-since there is nothing to hide on my behlaf.
  12. A

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    i will do my best-ignore my edit if you can: netiquette or whatever that means, i gather you mean to the order and politness of the discussion? lets see: its hard not to ignore someone who says this when speaking to you: if everything that comes out of my keyboard sounds to you like...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    right, thats why whenever someone is on israel's side you're attacking him? you see what we're all trying to do here, us pro-israeli's is really to: here are some of the things i brought and you call them hollow: 15 minutes? flyers durning bombing-you prove it . . and the...
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    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    and he's not israeli. glad to see someone else sees the side the rest of the world doesnt.