Recent content by Aitor Guirao Alvarez

  1. Aitor Guirao Alvarez

    Fallout: Nukaloha

    More updates soon!
  2. Aitor Guirao Alvarez

    Fallout: Nukaloha

    "I am a caravaneer...well I used to be I guess. All my stuff has been burnt to the ground, my dear Brahmin killed, my work pals murdered..." There's a clear hint of sadness in your tone. You don't know where you are, but you are certain that you are being flown far away. All your trade routes...
  3. Aitor Guirao Alvarez

    Fallout: Nukaloha

    Before you can speak the ghoulette chimes in, she seems like a talkative broad. To be honest you can't stand her presence, she smells like rotten meat and expired makeup, her voice is shrilling and ear splitting, and her attitude is detestable and bordering in the sexually abusive. "Oh, no need...
  4. Aitor Guirao Alvarez

    Fallout: Nukaloha

    Darkness, and then… a rude awakening! Pain comes to you, sudden like a thousand kicks in your forehead all at once. It isn't your first rough awakening and surely it won't be the last, but this kind of thing, it was one of those things that you couldn't get used to, it always hurt like hell...
  5. Aitor Guirao Alvarez

    Fallout: Nukaloha

    Hello everyone, I'm currently running a Fallout roleplaying game in the SpaceBattles forums, I thought it would be also a good idea to post what has happened so far here so people can read about it. The game is called "Fallout: Nukaloha" and is based on Hawaii 250 years after the Great War...