Recent content by akaine

  1. akaine

    sFall with Reshade

    The setup specs I provided for my install are accurate: sFall v4.4.3.1, Reshade 6.1.1. As I also mentioned in my first post, it does screw it up a bit in terms of mouse cursor behavior. However, I managed to overcome it by using Dual Monitor Tools sticky cursor feature (I have to turn the "lock...
  2. akaine

    sFall with Reshade

    I guess everyone has a different monitor color setting, so it might look too red on some monitors. On my monitor it looks pretty balanced with RGB equality represented. Basically, I've boosted contrast and brightness a bit, as well as saturation and vibrance. Also I've added a slight denoise, so...
  3. akaine

    sFall with Reshade

    Howdy! I was thinking about playing some FO2. And since it's been a while I've made a fresh install based on the GOG version with FO2tweaks and RPU v29. As we know, the latter one also goes along with the latest sFall (v4.4.3.1). Now, maybe it's just me, but vanilla FO2 graphics was always a...
  4. akaine

    F2 restoration project and wine

    Thanks. Didn't know this. Yes. It seems it's a wine version related problem. Using v1.7.x works like a charm though. Haven't tested with v3.0.1 yet.
  5. akaine

    F2 restoration project and wine

    Here goes me, resurrecting a zombie... The dll overrides do work. Still the game is slow like hell. I have no problems running Fallout1 Fixed Edition 3.0 (includes sfall 1.8), but F2 is almost unplayable. I've tried to play with sfall and HiRes patch configs with no avail: in almost all cases...