Recent content by Akratus

  1. Akratus

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Doctor Strange just had that same old marvel story formula. Except this time the humor was idiotic, and cumberbatch isn't as charismatic as Strange, as RDJ was as Stark. Mads Mikkelsen was wasted on the bland villain and overal only the visuals stood out to me. Hacksaw Ridge on the other hand...
  2. Akratus

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Doctor Strange was boring. It disappointed me. The only thing that stood out to me was the visuals and that is not nearly enough to make a movie fun. Hacksaw Ridge on the other hand was cool.
  3. Akratus

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    Belated big boobed birthdays boysssssssssss!
  4. Akratus

    NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

    When are we having another one of these? Because I am SO down to clown.
  5. Akratus

    What do you think of Kellogg?

    I actually think it's nice that you learn about Kellog and relive his memories after you are forced to kill him. This has you reflect a little. Of course, this isn't that special and one of maybe a handful of elements of writing in the game that are even good in any way. I also don't think that...
  6. Akratus

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    Oh man, that's funny.
  7. Akratus

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    I'll take that as a compliment to my writing. ;)
  8. Akratus

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    "So, as our more intelligent fans may have noticed, we've made great innovations in the field of dialogue in our games. In the past a system of dialogue was ment to give the player choices, ways of expressing your character and skill checks. But really, when you get down to it, while it was kind...
  9. Akratus

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    Hate. . . let me tell you about hate.
  10. Akratus

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    Obviously there is nothing wrong with discussing whatever you wish to discuss. But I just feel like there's a redundancy here. "Woah, this thing bethesda designed that we can now see here on this screenshot is terrible in exactly the same way as the ones from their last two games!" Gee wiz...
  11. Akratus

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    Analyzing the logic/quality of bethesda products at this stage is just beating a dead horse, as I see it.
  12. Akratus

    most overrated movies?

    The Dark Knight.
  13. Akratus

    Battlefield 1 Official Reveal Trailer

    Can't wait to 360 noscope people with mustard gas.