I'm sure of the variable change as I named the save games with appropriate name and saved just after the event on my 3rd replay. The final conversation with Marcus after recovering the note has the variable at 6.
The opening screen of Fallout 2 reports:
FALLOUT II Megamod 2.46
@MIB88 It's just an annoyance but Cassidy says the line about the heart pills and how about some Jet like way, way, way too damn much. Sometimes he says it every 3 hexes moved.
I said in my first post in this 2.46 forum that none of my save games from 2.45 would work. The game...
@MIB88, you did notice I reported that Chad locked up the game if you fail the speech check on him?
I entered Broken Hills on Feb 27 @ 13:45, went to the General Store and then to Marcus at Feb 27 13:50. This is the save game I used just before talking to Marcus the first time.
I then tried...
I'm fully prepared to continue updating the guide when I find and understand the changes.
Just need accurate information to put in. Will update to 10 ore for metal I armor.
Bug found in Chad scripts.
So on the hint that I might get Marcus to acknowledge that I found the missing people...
I'm going to try one last time with a speech 101+% and see if Metzger or Slaves can be talked into revealing the loc before resorting to the game editor.
Now that I went back and read Darek's post about the global variables I realize the save game editor is the only recourse and will d/l it...
I have the same two issues.
A new issue I'm having is recharging the car. Rt click and using the 54 SEC in inventory gets the message "that does nothing"
I tried the old trick of charging the car by using the cells on an NPC and on Cassidy/Sulik get the message "You free the slave" and on...
Curious. I searched all forums on here for 'pregnancy cycle' and didn't find but a couple mentions that had nothing to do with Val or Megamod.
Vic's daughter, Val, offers up a long dialog about her joining the pregnancy cycle and then another about her feelings about NCR and politics.
A bug and a possible bug:
1)After the Fence in Coldheart's threatens to blackmail a woman and have he say my character raped her we end up in a gun fight and he dies and I lose 10 karma. The guy deals in assassinations, blackmail, other forms of crime and killing him doesn't get you positive...
I have control NPC's turned on in ddraw.ini so I get to see the NPC's character sheets.
Cassidy's base AC is 0, his sequence is 16 (normal for his PE of 8) and he only gets AC for the armor he wears and is missing his +8 AC for his 8 AG.
So his base AC is messed up, or if he is...
So I made it down to NCR at level 5 (without dying) to get the Hubbologist +2 LK that's feasible, in game, if you trust the fortune teller's reading of the Tragic cards to head south and Jack(?) the drug dealer in The Den tells you the loc of New Reno, then in New Reno, Renescu gives you the...
The changes to the ddraw.ini looked so interesting (like the carry weight only testing what's in hands giving unlimited pack carry to really speed up the game) that I started a fresh game.
Two bugs I've encountered are both left over from the previous version:
1) Level 4-6 random encounters...
Cool. I stopped playing for a some weeks and was playing Colonization instead because it's easier to watch TV and play that game at the same time. But I just got a hankerin' to play Fallout 2 again and forgot where to find Sulik's sis so came on to look and noticed you had released 2.46!
So I...
That's the thing. I knocked the Masticator out so many times I lost track. If I clicked the end combat button then he would just stand back up and the fight would continue. It worked on the previous 3 fights so it's just scripts dealing with his fight. If I'd used the plated gloves the...