Recent content by Albatross

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    OCC - Zombie Apocalypse - Character Discussion

    Okay, I just finished reading what has happened so far and I am submitting my character request. Sally the Nurse Mitchell and I would also like to play Erica Spears if she is an option. If not, maybe Azadeh. Anyway, I’ll wait to hear back from Welsh.
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    Pumpkin Chunkin-

    We had a physics teacher at my high school that did the same thing. I think the farthest anyone ever threw any of the pumpkins here was about two thousand feet.
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    Holy shit, please tell me this is not true.

    Why develop bunker busters when they could have this in twenty or so years?[/url]
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    New Post Apoc film- I am Legend

    I would be interested in seeing how Edward Norton would do as the lead.
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    Wastland Chapter 5 - Journey through the City of the Dead

    As the two comrades continued on their march, a strange tune came into Vedpose’s head. It was a sort of haunting melody, almost hypnotic really. Its noise continued to grow and soon the notes began to well up in her larynx as a mild hum which grew into a slightly more sinister tone, like that...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'm not sure what to think so I'll give it a neutral 5.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10 I have always loved "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
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    Wastland Chapter 5 - Journey through the City of the Dead

    Vedpose held her arm in a sort of sheepish way. The comrades were headed east again. Vedpose wasn’t sure why but something inside told her to head east. Zeke didn’t seem to have objections to the idea. Maybe it was fate calling, maybe it was blind instinct, or maybe to was just that...
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    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    More and more things just keeping coming at me. I will try to post some time in the near future.
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    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    Still here. I have just been busy with college and writing a campaign for CoC. I will try to post soon, hopefully later today.
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    Wastland Chapter 5 - Journey through the City of the Dead

    Vedpose had entered a long boundless room of piercing white. What is this??? She wondered. “This is you, endless and unrestricted by anything other than the limitation of your own mind. Your creation and desecration and destruction are of you your own doing. You are here because you wish...
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    Wastland Chapter 5 - Journey through the City of the Dead

    OOC: Wow, finally back after a most hellish summer semester. IC: There was only darkness shining through the slit eyelids of the once good to do warrior of the wastes. Where had she gone wrong? Was it in the venomous revenge that poured through her veins at the end? The malice, the...
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    ICC- Kilrick Salvage Chapter 3- Manhattan Story

    OCC: Sorry for not posting sooner but I kind of needed a break from everything after last semester. IC: I was quiet… I really didn’t know what else to be. A sharpened splinter of metal-like defeat and sorrow had penetrated my psyche. I wasn’t the on who had taken the lives of the...
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    Wasteland - Chapter 4 - Junktown and Raiders - IC

    As Vedpose continued on, a strong wind begun to pickup throwing sand into her eyes and covering her tracks. If Ved had not been within visual range of the fairground, the blowing sands might have well blinded her to target. Vedpose entered the fairground amidst the rising sandstorm and head...
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    Wasteland - Chapter 4 - Junktown and Raiders - IC

    Vedpose awoke a few hours after she had set down to rest. She was still exhausted and aching with fatigue but it had passed enough for her to continue on. She wanted, no she needed, find some peace, peace that she could not find from within herself. She needed to confront Kyrie. She needed...