Recent content by AmericanRed

  1. AmericanRed

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    Keller Family, Agatha's Song, Blood Ties are some good examples of emotional stories that I can remember now, you don't like them? Pre-war notes and holotapes are also heartbreaking too. I realize this debate is very subjective though.
  2. AmericanRed

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    The only merit of Bethesda was making the franchise fully 3D and creating some pretty interesting urban exploration and good emotional stories. They dumped the core of the franchise in favor of a theme park/full sattire approach. It's sad...
  3. AmericanRed

    What Are Your Favorite Video Games of All Time

    1 Fallout New Vegas 2 Mass Effect 1 [This one I REALLY WISH It was easily moddable ] 3 Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 4 Mount and Blade: Warband Murdered Soul Suspect, Gun, The Grand Theft Auto Series and a bunch of other indie stuff like One Hour One Life and Rimworld.
  4. AmericanRed

    Your GOTY 2018

    Fallout: New California mod for New Vegas. I know many people didn't like this mod here, but I think It's a worthy prequel to FNV, despite some weirdness in the main story the worldbuilding and lore are awesome.
  5. AmericanRed

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    "They join because it is becoming part of a larger rebuilding effort." Who said so? A guy over the radio claiming to be the leader of a faction on the other side of the country that they don't even know if it's real or not?
  6. AmericanRed

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Maybe he didn't really have the resources and stability to start an empire. It really seems to me that he envisions the annexation of Vegas and NCR as the consolidation of his idelogy as a real nation or a true empire, the scenario of Arizona falling into civil war after his death is much more...
  7. AmericanRed

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    Already told him that, two times. Makes absolutely no sense for these people to just "join" out of goodwill and beautiful speeches. At this point he's just ignoring the arguments he can't answer and trying to dodge the fact that Bethesda pretty much tried to justify the BoS in 76 with "Well, It...
  8. AmericanRed

    The Institute's Plan

    That's a mystery I'll try to solve whenever I get to play Fallout 4. Everyone I ask seem to give some super vague answers or just a straight up "I dunno, but they're cool af, aren't they?"
  9. AmericanRed

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Well, there are surely strong leaders that represent a lot [via propaganda or action, or both], but It takes more than that to hold a nation together. The Legion stands together for its ideology of survival of the fittest and its monolithic culture, not that it's a good thing, mind you, but It...
  10. AmericanRed

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    He gave them pretty much NOTHING besides propaganda. What kind of stupid argument is that? People need ammo, guns, a place to stay and not "rallying cry" or motivational speeches. On what grounds he provides them ORDERS? He's not even their superior. You're proving my point that Bethesda is so...
  11. AmericanRed

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    That's all wrong. "Ideology" doesn't build anything by Itself, and Maxson didn't even send them anything or do anything to help them, just propaganda over the radio. Stop trying to justify Bethesda's laziness. It's badly written retcon to the lore.
  12. AmericanRed

    Legion Territory Speculation

    No one ever "built an entire nation around his absolute will", not even so-called "absolute monarchs". A nation is always a collective of different social-economic interests and the leader is the one that knows how to please them all at some potency while furthering his own. Even in the game you...
  13. AmericanRed

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Nope. It hasn't worked like that for Caesar, Stalin or any other "absolute" leader you heard about. History is way more complex than that. Even Hitler had opposition and had to deal with them, and that not always meant just "kill them". Governing is more like the Tropico games, where you need to...
  14. AmericanRed

    Legion Territory Speculation

    The whole "terrifying leader" thing wouldn't work with a small raider band for too long before the other guys decided to slit his throat, let alone with an entire army that rivals the NCR. Ruling by force isn't enough. He would need some sort of society or culture to support his ideal...
  15. AmericanRed

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    It's not an organized faction, It's an empty promise based on nothing, pretty much propaganda over the radio. They had way more options besides joining. They could create their own faction with their own ideology or joined some REAL group near them, but I guess that's way too much for BGS to write.