Recent content by beans00

  1. B

    Found a pretty amazing video

    Watching this brought a tear to my eye, hopefully people here can enjoy it too
  2. B

    Why is every new video game shit?

    I just know @Norzan is scared to get shit on by me in halo 2, or even halo 1 lol.
  3. B

    Fallout 2 help

    I've played fallout 2 like 50 times since 1998 and I never knew that lol
  4. B

    Joe Biden in fallout??

    My friend sent me some pictures of Joe Biden with some quotes attached, I didn't realize he was a character in fallout before.
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    Discussing racism in the Fallout universe

    I don't like reading essays written by cuckolds
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    Discussing racism in the Fallout universe

    TLDR for someone who isn't autistic?
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    What weapons would you guys like to see in F5?

    I want magic spells like harry potter
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    Why is every new video game shit?

    I've been playing fallout 1-2 since before you were born :)
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    What are your favorite lets play youtubers/streamers?

    I dont watch fucking youtube or streamers because of the pandemic, i just eat more of my wifes pussy. the only 'gamer' channels i'll OCCASIONALLY watch(if they do a game I'm interested in) are strat-edgy and mandaloregaming. I just noticed this was lets play, who the fuck has time to watch...
  10. B

    Why is every new video game shit?

    also it sounds like you just suck at halo 2 because it's harder lol, play me in multiplayer and i'll shit down your throat or let me watch you die over and over in halo 2 legendary
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    Why is every new video game shit?

    Wait.... Didn't we do this level before O.o
  12. B

    Why is every new video game shit?

    I don't really care about halo or FPS in general, but if you think halo 1 is better then halo 2 you are legitimately a fucking braindamaged moron lol.
  13. B

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    What exactly does finishing 'scripting' for your mod(or any mod) entail? I've never modded...anything before so I'm genuinely curious.