Recent content by Black_Electric

  1. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Goat_Boy he has a point, haha.
  2. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    We got some one who we were pretty happy with. He should be in the next update. Hoping to release here in a couple weeks.
  3. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I wrote a program to extract all the voiced dialog that we need from each character and to generate the script for the VA's. However, there was a bug in this program that caused several lines of dialog to go missed in the script for an unknown number of characters. So for the past couple weeks...
  4. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Anyone know if the .ssl scripting language performs order of operations like PEMDAS or is it from left to right? In the middle of redoing my VA script generator as I found that several dialog sets were incomplete due to missed lines when analyzing the .ssl.
  5. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    We are deffinetely not planning on replacing anything or adjusting the dialog. Completely agree on preserving the original artwork.
  6. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Progress update: Finished integrating completed dialog for: BARKUS (Vault City) SHERIFF MARION (Redding) STEVE (Broken Hills) Also I fixed the bug with Slim picket not displaying as I had re-generated his script using an outdated copy of the SSL from before Goat Boy's head updates. These...
  7. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    It's not just goris, there are a handful of characters that use the player's name. It would just be too much work to record a thousand common player names. Only othwr way would be to use machine learning and the VA's lines as a training set to create a text to speech model for each character...
  8. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I've already been working around that by replacing the character name with a generic pronoun.
  9. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Just ran into an interesting problem. For at least maybe three or so characters in New Reno, a handle is used for the player (prize fighter name, pornstar name, crime boss name). And at least in stuart little's case, there are 75 different names, and five dialog lines where he says the name. So...
  10. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Initial alpha release of the Talking Heads Actually Talk (THAT) Mod is now available on the nexus (file is to large to simply share here). But if people are so dis-inclined to visit the nexus I can also upload the .dat file to a share drive later.
  11. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    On popular request, we have started a discord server for those that want to follow @Goat_Boy and I there, discord link below. But I will also continue to provide updates here. I plan to release the alpha version of the voiced portion of this mod later tonight after I can get in as many of the...
  12. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Ran into a couple of issues on a few of the characters: Missing half of Dex's lines from last July, have reached out to the VA to see if he has the other half of the set. Proconsul Greg's VA sent me multiple takes for each line so I am having to go through and trim each of his lines. Wooz and...
  13. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Resumed work on this today, working on 16 different characters in parallel. The edited scripts for the new additions are all compiled. I will be generating the lip syncs over the next couple days, about 600 lines of new voiced dialog in addition to the ones I've already processed. I am planning...
  14. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Just popping my head in to let people know I haven't forgotten about the mod. :lol: I'm hoping to resume work on this again soon, just trying to drum myself up to respond to the massive back log of voice actor messages. :shock: Once I can catch up on the current submissions I have we'll be up...
  15. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    The current update is that I have been stalled out on making progress with the voices. I unfortunately overbooked myself on personal projects, currently workong on a couple videos for a YT channel I run. I have about 12 or so heads finished, I have about 15-20 in the pipeline ready to be worked...