Really happy to see this mod is still coming out. I am way more interested in playing through 3 with 4's mechanics than I am New Vegas. Kind of wish they would just double down and finish the main game, but this will be fun regardless, especially with it being a more fleshed out worldspace. I...
It seemed intentionally vague to me when I played it, since Yes Man could be the result of any number of decisions you decide to make. Most people grab it under the assumption they will take over Vegas, some do it and assume their character leaves after. To me, the former makes the most sense.
This is the thing that Bethesda fans will never get. I don't HAVE to like the same games you do. If you enjoy Fallout 4, or 76, or the TV show then why does it matter if I call it shit? You already effectively won the IP, dude. It doesn't matter.
Regardless it isn't like Fallout was solely the...
So Vault Tek created cold fusion and functionally solved the resource problem, right? Wouldn't you basically just be able to control the world WITHOUT nuking it, if you get to decide who has access to fucking limitless energy?
This is debatable. Even the biggest Bethesda fan will usually admit that the writing of the main quest/certain factions is terrible. Usually that's the stuff Emil has written. It must sting to generally be considered the worst part of every game your company makes.
You're in luck. That pesky society and it's laws are the only thing keeping it that way. Don't worry, when the bombs drop I'll be the first in line to brain you with a rock.
It's one of the weird cases where Bethesda did listen and overcorrected criticism received from Fallout 3. Oh, you want...
That's been the MO of major media production for the past, like, ten years. Destroy western civilization as a concept, annihilate the home race, etc;
Wow, very enlightened. See how well that mentality holds up when the powers that be put you up against the wall.
Whoa now! We are cool with purging mutants from the face of the earth. But blackface!? Not in our diverse, equitable and inclusive Brotherhood.
Bethesda has this weird thing where they insist they love the fans but almost every interaction they have with them is purely negative. Back when Pete...
Oh man, the shilling for this show is ever-present. You'd be amazed how quick people are to call this an amazing show. I could see it if it was at least exciting and well shot but it is a miserably boring show even taken on its own merits.
Shit even from a braindead fan perspective there isn't...
Maybe a bit off-topic but can we talk about how utterly dogshit awful the blocking, camera work, and action are? The whole show is shot in slo-mo and when it isn't there are just two characters standing around expositing, with virtually no stage action or camera work out in place to make the...