Recent content by Borov

  1. Borov

    NMA FOnline Reloaded Group

    Ok, I`ll admit, I have been playing Fonline Reloaded a few months back..... a lot. Stopped for a long while, but sense you guys are starting out, I might as well try again. Heck, I even still have my old character. So, where do I sign up? :-)
  2. Borov

    Fallout Fanart

    Thats a damn fine piece you got there, but did you ever consider doing artwork in the ol pencil`n paper way? I mean, you do what ever floats your boat, but I know from experience that if you want to show off your true raw skill, pen and paper is the way to go. Other than that, keep up the good...
  3. Borov

    Last Words

  4. Borov

    Sorry man, but explaning that video is like trying to explane art. Also its 4AM here and im...

    Sorry man, but explaning that video is like trying to explane art. Also its 4AM here and im going to bed, GOOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!!!
  5. Borov

    What? Why cant you watch videos?

    What? Why cant you watch videos?
  6. Borov Maybe not your case but you might learn something... Maybe not your case but you might learn something new :)
  7. Borov

    Meditate and eat more hazel nuts??

    Meditate and eat more hazel nuts??
  8. Borov

    Type in Kitty0706 or Boschitt. Probably the most non-sense-ical but funniest garrys mod...

    Type in Kitty0706 or Boschitt. Probably the most non-sense-ical but funniest garrys mod animations i ever seen.
  9. Borov

    Im not sure I understand.

    Im not sure I understand.
  10. Borov

    the Master: was he evil?

    Well thats freaking obvious, both what you "asked" and if hes insane. Point im trying to make is that over-analyzing the thing you love can ruin it.
  11. Borov

    the Master: was he evil?

    Why must we go so deep into the Masters intentions so that we could judge him as "evil" or not? I mean....It just ruins the charm of it,no? You said it, man.
  12. Borov

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    "Good to know that someone's keeping the peace around here. Thanks." -The Vault Dweller, whilst talking to Lars
  13. Borov

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    Any of note? Other than Dragonborn.
  14. Borov

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    I have to ask: How many people have joined NMA only to try and stubbornly spread their opinion as law about Bethesdas Fallouts? P.S. Someguy, I dont know you enough to call you out as a Bethsdrone so I wont, but this question stems from you so....