Recent content by Bradylama

  1. Bradylama

    What did you all think of the worldbuilding?

    Fallout was already over because Bethesda/Zenimax/Microsoft were going to mismanage it one way or another. They couldn't even capitalize on the tv show's popularity because the "next gen" update for Fallout 4 broke the game.
  2. Bradylama

    What did you all think of the worldbuilding?

    The worldbuilding is fucking stupid as Hell. None of it is taken seriously because the show was directed by people with comedy writing backgrounds. This is a cartoon world setup to be as ridiculous as possible for the sake of jokes that aren't funny. When it does take the time to demand it be...
  3. Bradylama


    I think the Master was dipping critters to see what kind of fusions he could come up with before he started dipping people.
  4. Bradylama

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    T-60s have Iron Man flight suit powers now and they're portrayed as nothing but a liability.
  5. Bradylama

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    The show is so devoid of complexity that it invents the most convoluted evil conspiracy of all time, just to fit in the idea that Vault Tec started the war. It's one bad idea to start with that spawns off so many other bad ideas, it's a fractal staircase of shit.
  6. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    "Capitalism bad" doesn't mean anything without some kind of political proscription to resolve its externalities. The show has no proscriptive solution to the Vault-Tec problem because it's completely unavoidable. If communism isn't an alternative, and capitalism won't regulate itself, then the...
  7. Bradylama

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    No, what he's saying is that your definition of capitalism is ahistorical. For one thing, for capitalism to exist there must first be "Capital," and Capital is not a real thing - it's an abstraction that represents productive value, or values that create new values. Like a machine that produces...
  8. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    OK so they turn their T-Shirts inside out and there's Lenin's face embroidered on them. What does that mean for the TV show? What does Lenin have to say about Vault-Tec? Your anticommunist paranoia is inventing a scenario that has no bearing on the plot whatsoever. Moldaver's group simply aren't...
  9. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Moldaver's group has a vague agenda, which is anti-war in general and anti-Vault-Tec specifically. Moldaver isn't a...
  10. Bradylama


    The mutants are reproductively viable and likely have traits that help them to survive in the wasteland. It's a potential alternative the Master can keep in his back pocket. The more immediate and obvious benefit is that the V4 dwellers are already familiar with the genetics facility and could...
  11. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Return to the Nolanverse Episode 3: Revenge of Georgetown
  12. Bradylama


    You don't see how the first point contradicts the latter here?
  13. Bradylama

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    Not sure if this counts as a retcon, but the existence of the unmutated fawn in episode 3 raises a lot of questions. Fallout 76 is set only 25 years after the Great War, and by that time all deer seem to be Radstags. I'm not discounting the possibility of a wild animal going through minimal...
  14. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Folks I reckon all this posting is putting me in the mood to finish this thing tonight.
  15. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    Oh and by the way, what a tremendous misstep to make Fallout a GWOT parody after it's already over, as the United States is attempting to do the China Pivot, and is supporting a proxy war against Russia, and is backing Israel full to the hilt in Gaza. The Cold War parallels are more relevant...