Recent content by Canagan

  1. Canagan

    Possibility of Obisidian working on Fallout...

    Honestly, that change was what got me into the Wasteland series as hard as it did; Fo1/2 style gameplay took a while for me to take to -- what with me being a millennial and all -- but after a year or so I would play them with genuine pleasure from the experience. With Wasteland 2 being...
  2. Canagan

    Possibility of Obisidian working on Fallout...

    You make a valid point I suppose, but for New Vegas you have four different core ending to work with. In Fo1/2 you had I believe 2 per game (one for completing the main quest and one for failure, with variance between ending reels; I know in Fo1 you could finish the game but all the settlements...
  3. Canagan

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    I would guess the easy way would be to use a backpack item with a sprite replacer to be a keyring. If memory serves, you could find backpacks and use them as a sort of inventory sorter (at the nice price of like ten pounds a piece or something) I'm unsure if it was Fallout Fixt that added them...
  4. Canagan

    Possibility of Obisidian working on Fallout...

    Assuming Bethesda Softworks could be pried from Fallout long enough again for another company to make another iteration, I'm just curious as to what they'd do with it. A New Vegas 2, while neat, would be a jungle of multichoice hell and nearly impossible to mesh out without Bioware tier...
  5. Canagan

    I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76

    When I picked up F76 on that last Steam Sale (I mean, 10 bucks is ten bucks, I would either hate it or love it and it's cheap) I kinda had a mixed bag feeling on it. I loved the 'pick a spot and that's your base' bit, and I found a rather nice spot after a while, but overall what I like the...
  6. Canagan

    If the Legion doesn't use guns most of the time, how do the survive literally any battles at all?

    It does help that, in the end, the legion specializes in asymmetric warfare. In a war where they can just use brute force -- like with tribals -- they will and get good results, but when faced with something like the NCR they held their own fairly well despite the odds; they did lose though with...
  7. Canagan

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    Speaking on immersion in games, the best example of immersion into Fo1 I've had was when on one of my characters I went map clearing (as I usually do in when I have all my gear and skills kitted out) and I happened upon a world map region that, from the map, was just the ruins of some city. It...
  8. Canagan

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    I'd have to agree for the most part, yet I'd think it might be the sheer exposure to said wackiness, or the collective exposure perhaps in the fandom. Fo1 I remember seeing the Godzilla footprint and Star Fleet shuttle once, and I don't think I ever found the tardis to be honest, yet in Fo2 I...
  9. Canagan

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    On the former I have to agree; The Institute shouldn't have been capable of grabbing FEV, yet the Vaults could be argued to be possible if we assume Military and Gov't were neck and neck with Vault-Tec. Problem there though is the obvious uber-classified level FEV was on, and relations between...
  10. Canagan

    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    The closest I've got to a backstory was one female character I've had where I made her out to be the granddaughter of the Chosen One. Never mapped out whether it was from the whoopsie with Mrs. Bishop and her son had a daughter, or if it was a child The Chosen One had after settling down in...
  11. Canagan

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    The biggest issue I have with Super Mutants being anywhere outside of The Master's army was the little nugget of detail with how he created them; it took trial and error with FEV dipping and controlling the variables of mutations to induce pure Mutants who received all the 'benefits' of the...
  12. Canagan

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    I have to agree with yah there; Fo2 is that more relaxed, moar content, yet sillier release for me personally. Both 1 and 2 have merits, yet as I said earlier they're 'mood based' for me. Sobering and tight story with some extra challenge via Fallout-Fixt? 1. Wanna just play some turn-based...
  13. Canagan

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    At the absolute very least, one could say the modern entries have brought in fresh eyes to see the classics. I myself am an example of that, being brought in when I was... shit, thirteen I think? I played Fo3 a lot as a kid, and I could argue that Bethesda's Fallout was my gateway drug to the...
  14. Canagan

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    It may be wishful thinking, but I sincerely hope that one day we'll get a Fallout game that once again covers a massive stretch of land like the classics; Fo1 and 2 covering literally half of Cali for their whole stories manage to get away from such super focus and reliance on cities still...
  15. Canagan

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    Honestly, all this depends on a few factors... but one big one that's two-fold. Whether or not the dev team behind such a remake will maintain the original vision of the game in terms of faith to the story/visuals. The first one is pretty self explanatory, but if they keep the original soul of...