Recent content by caplanchy

  1. caplanchy

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    This just feels like a wild dream now. During the release and it's aftermath the hype for the mod took so many twists, when people thought it couldn't get worse BAM one of the artists was secretly a furry pedo this whole time. I gotta give it to them, their clusterfuck of a release was more fun...
  2. caplanchy

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    One of my mates said the same thing to me. I believed him because of the smell. Horrific stuff.
  3. caplanchy

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I truly try hard to be more conversational and be more natural in conversation, but sometimes I just struggle. At this point I'm just wondering if its the people I'm around. I still live with my parents and I find talking with them impossible, especially my dad, but now that I think about it...
  4. caplanchy

    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    Funny they apologize for the long video. I clicked on the video knowing full well its gonna be long, and their apology always takes up more time than it has to, sometimes its just a minute of personal ramblings. That's something they should be sorry for, wasting my fucking time when I bunkered...
  5. caplanchy

    My Problem with the Guns in the new Fallout Games

    They forget that there was still over a hundred years of technological development between the 50's and when the bombs fell. Additionally, my own problem with guns in 4, why are they so common, and why is ammo so easy to amass huge amounts of? I think Fallout 1 struck a decent balance of being...
  6. caplanchy

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Let's get the stupidity of this guy straight because there is far more to it than him just not liking how many slurs there are in Fallout 2. 'There are games I am a little more critical of... now. Fallout 2 is the big one, I'd never played Fallout 2... and... and it's kind of ridiculous, like...
  7. caplanchy

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    "The Frontier features 3 distinct main quest lines, each totaling up to 15+ hours of gameplay each, with the NCR being the longest at 35+." This feels like a roundabout way of saying "The NCR quest is 35+ hours and the rest are a few hours each, so technically on average they'd be 15 each"...
  8. caplanchy

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    I'm pretty sure people would shit themselves if this was actually in a Fallout game
  9. caplanchy

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    This is why when I remove to a remote rural area, I will take up hunting.
  10. caplanchy

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Can't say he'll be missed, but my goodness was he determined.
  11. caplanchy

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    I'm thinking a Vault specialized in performing experiments of either an extremist ideology or combat nature, and when the dwellers come out of their bunker, they all set up a coup in a nearby settlement/town. They may not make for a major threat, but they could be a minor faction like the Powder...
  12. caplanchy

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Did Heisenberg get banned? Last he was seen was two days ago.
  13. caplanchy

    Fallout 4: A Generational Gem

    I'll bite. Yes, the modding community is larger for Fallout 4, it is a more popular game. It had greater marketing, and it certainly doesn't hurt that it was released when gaming was a rising pastime. Do we count game quality by sales though? It may also be in part because Creation Kit is...
  14. caplanchy

    Fallout: New Vegas/3 Remastered

    I'm not expecting they'll make a remake or remaster to be honest. They're probably going to continue with the new systems they have in place because gamers today won't appreciate things like weapon condition, or feeling constrained in maxing their character out. That's just the way tastes have...
  15. caplanchy

    This over-saturation of Nuka Cola

    Well the option is there. Like how settlement building is an option after that Sanctuary quest (thank goodness for that). I'd think of it like Simcity, where you can build up the town and destroy it. That's a fun idea, though my guess is it wouldn't be fun really, probably due to bad AI fucking...