Recent content by CaptainLoneStar

  1. C

    GECK Help Power Armor Swaps

    Right now I'm doing a couple tests on Paladin Danse to change his armor. When I click on BosPaladinDanse and modify his power armor furniture to the Midwestern Power Armour (from Nexus) and drag and drop the individual items (helm,torso,legs, etc) into Danse's inventory. I save the file and...
  2. C

    Looking to illustrate a fallout comic! Where are the writers?

    That's fine you can upload them either way. Right now I'll definitely be working on Aaron Burr's story since he PM'd me first. Afterwards if I work on another story then they'll already be done.
  3. C

    Looking to illustrate a fallout comic! Where are the writers?

    Update: Looks like we've got a story in the works based on Aaron Burr's idea! The book may or may not be comic sequential format however it will have illustrations for each major scene in the storyline.
  4. C

    Fallout 4 CARTOON coming soon

    Looks good! I like the style you have for it.
  5. C

    Looking to illustrate a fallout comic! Where are the writers?

    Got some deathclaw, tribal action and more T-51 sketches!
  6. C

    Looking to illustrate a fallout comic! Where are the writers?

    Feel free to put your ideas here or PM me. Could be an interesting chain of events!
  7. C

    Climate, Agriculture, and Water in 2250s California

    I'm not completely clear on what your goal is. Are you just having a conversation about the intracacies of the Fallout more or are you writing a story?
  8. C

    Looking to illustrate a fallout comic! Where are the writers?

    As the topic states I'm looking to illustrate a Fallout comic in the flavor of the original Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 games. I'm sure there's many of you out there who already have stories that you'd potentially like to see illustrated. The only condition on my end of the deal is that I'd prefer...
  9. C

    Climate, Agriculture, and Water in 2250s California

    Mishmash, it won't let me post URL's since I'm new to the forum. If you type in CaptainLoneStar on deviantart it should show you. There's some t51 studies on there and one 3d render of a mutated creature. I have more but not on that account.feel free to post the link to my deviantart if it shows...
  10. C

    Climate, Agriculture, and Water in 2250s California

    Well what's interesting is I just so happen am looking to illustrate a graphic novel set in the Fallout universe and the downside is I'm a terrible writer and don't know enough about the intricacies of the Fallout lore to make something worthwhile. If you're interested in writing I'll do the...