Recent content by Carlitosh636

  1. Carlitosh636

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    Same here. This game is a literal circus. You wait for the next fuck up from Bethesda and just laugh. At first it angered me seeing this absolute dumpster fire of a game getting money, but now I'm actually happy, because the shit that they keep releasing is fucking hilarious. Sad for the...
  2. Carlitosh636

    Some thougts on New California.

    (Before starting, I know that NC is a mod, but due to it's size and because I won't be talking about technical details, I post this here. Also there's a TLDR at the end). So as 99% of people here, I lost any hope in Bethesda's vision for the saga, and looked upon the mod community to get some...
  3. Carlitosh636

    Todd Howard says TES6 needs to be playable for "a decade at least"

    Yeah, and I don't blame them (I personally don't like calling someone a "Bethesdard" or fanboy/girl in general because what you like is subjective). As you noted, Bethesda is really good at "engineering" a type of world that will absorb you (or try to). In the surface it's neat because quests...
  4. Carlitosh636

    Any good youtube channel that reviewing or talk about RPG/CRPG?

    He has a new channel now, this one. He hasn't uploaded in 6 months but that's seems to be usual with him.
  5. Carlitosh636

    Todd Howard says TES6 needs to be playable for "a decade at least"

    Yep, that's also something to have in mind. I mentioned the flexing thing because with Skyrim they did it a lot. "This game lasts for hundreds of hours". "The map is gigantic, the biggest in all gaming history" (COUGH DAGGERFALL COUGH). With F4 and 76 they did the same. "Look at how big our map...
  6. Carlitosh636

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    I have a similar feeling with F3. I find the main quest to be really boring and badly written. However the game has anamazing atmosphere and exploration. In fact, I would prefer the game to have no main story overall, just exploring and side quests. That would remove the urge to complete the...
  7. Carlitosh636

    Unfinished games that are actually good?

    Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones. It's an adaptation of the Call of Cthulhu tabletop to the CRPG genre, and it's so fucking good. However devs didn't get enough fundings and made the decision to end the game with a cliffhanger and expand on future installments/DLC. This was a controversial move...
  8. Carlitosh636

    Todd Howard says TES6 needs to be playable for "a decade at least"

    This is IMO one of the biggest problem with modern Bethesda. They want to make their games last for not 40-60 hours, which is the common duration for a proper RPG. They want their games to last obscene amounts of time just to flex their numbers. And of course it will be at the expense of proper...