Recent content by Cerebro

  1. C

    BIG World Map

    No. I would have loved to, but the world map in Fallout: Nevada is in a different art style and has a different size. And I'm by no means an artist who could "correct" that. Regional-wise, this map here covers the area though. I also updated it around Salt Lake City (Northeast), so it's now more...
  2. C

    BIG World Map

    I made a large world map for my private TRPG in an alternate Fallout setting and thought it looked nice enough to share. It was made by combining the maps of FOnline and Fallout: Sonora and filling the gaps via some Photoshop shenanigans. The East / Northeast is not geographically accurate, but...
  3. C

    Fallout 2 mod Inventory Filter mod

    Really? Wow. I must say - this is kind of sad and hilarious at the same time. Shame about the mod, which I found pretty good. Very childish behavior, indeed...
  4. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    I know of fo2tweaks - I have it installed. The door function there opens the doors, but they don't close again after a few seconds like they do in et tu. You may find this rather insignificant, but I personally like it. As for the "busy man" stuff: I think Lexx can decide for himself what he...
  5. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    Well, it's a long shot and I guess you're super busy right now, but here's your reminder. :)
  6. C

    Alternate Interface

    Can you share a screenshot? I'd like to see how this looks.
  7. C

    Alternate Interface

    Yes, but I meant did someone ever create a .frm file for an interface that is bigger than 800? (One that is not simply stretched but instead looks like it's supposed to look.) I never saw anything other than vanilla and 800, regardless of what is technically possible.
  8. C

    Alternate Interface

    That's personal taste more than anything. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. (I never tried anything bigger than 800. Are there even interfaces specifically created for a bigger resolution?)
  9. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    Thanks. I guess Burn was not really a fan of the request… :sad:
  10. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    @Lexx This does not directly relate to et tu, but is it possible to copy the "doors close automatically" option from et tu and use it regular Fallout 2 (wit the RP installed)?
  11. C

    Forcing a line break?

    Thanks for the link - I did just that. Maybe it'll be added back at some point.
  12. C

    Forcing a line break?

    So, a quick follow up: It indeed seems that this feature got removed from sfall at some point. I did a test with sfall 1.8 and added some \n into my pro_item.msg. This worked like a charm and had exactly the effect I am looking for. Switching back to sfall (the version I currently use)...
  13. C

    Forcing a line break?

    Bummer. I tried adding empty spaces, but the item descriptions are also used in other places, where the appropriate text field has other dimensions, so the text looks weird there. Not worth making one thing look better by making two other things look bad. Thanks for answering, though. Edit...
  14. C

    Forcing a line break?

    Short question: Is there any way to manually force the game to do a line break when displaying text? I don't like how some text passages are clumped together and would like to rearrange some stuff. Primarily talking about the inventory screen and item descriptions there. Making a new line in the...
  15. C

    Alternate Interface

    It's not longer than other versions that come with the high res patch. I just changed the look, not functionality. So yes - in combination with the high-res patch, the bigger display works. As regarding the folders: I tend to fiddle around with modded files more often than not, so I prefer an...