Recent content by Chuman

  1. C

    Wasteland 2 Guru: To GamesCom and Beyond

    Nice work Tagaziel!
  2. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Hi Killap, Wanted to say congratulations on finally getting this all finished. Been putting off playing FO2 again until you got this final version released, since your first release which reintroduced the EPA. Thanks!
  3. C

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    This looks spot on. I'm very happy I contributed at this point, though I would also jump on the "not 100% happy about the dialogue system" bandwagon. The atmosphere really captures what I think of when I think of Wasteland (or what I hoped for Van Buren, for that matter).
  4. C

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I got into Fallout 2 while searching for a replacement for the Final Fantasy series, which began disappointing me in the Playstation era. Its open endedness and choice\decisions captivated me, although I almost quit multiple times from the initially steep learning curve for a teenager who hated...
  5. C

    Numenera is the setting of Torment Successor

    I say, follow for the same reason. Gotten some good recommendations for other CRPGs from here before as well, and would like to see a larger coverage. Plus, it is post-apoc as well!
  6. C

    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Of all the hair-brained dog-shit ideas...why Three Dog? I really hope the dialogue isn't as insulting to anyone with a grade 8 education as Fallout 3 was. That was some of the most mind-numbingly bad choice and decision dialogue I've seen for a supposed open-ended "intelligent" RPG
  7. C

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Despite trying to get into Oblivion multiple times, I was never able to get immersed into a world as broken with bugs and illogical immersion breaking A.I. (escaping guards by jumping on rocks anyone). Is there actually improvements in this new game? I am skeptical given some of the...
  8. C

    Does Anyone Miss the 90's

    I really just miss the games of the era. It felt like it truly was a golden age. Given I'm an R&B fan, all has sucked since the 70s (which was far before my time) so you guys shouldn't complain about the supposed crappy music since the 90s :P
  9. C

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Like Mr.Magic, I've also been coming here for years and never really registered or commented until awhile ago. I remember being awfully disappointed with the Van Buren cancellation, and the media love-fest and my consequent distaste following the buzz around Fallout 3. I remember getting...
  10. C

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Given most of us would probably confess to being geeks on this Fallout fan-site, you probably shouldn't be surprised, haha
  11. C

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Looking forward to playing the new version Sduibek! Started the old one on an old playthrough, and the Supermutants immediately invaded everywhere. Couldn't bring myself to finish with the bad ending, but will pick it up again soon
  12. C

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Thanks again Killap! I joined to thank you for the RP a long time ago, and never ended up playing again in order to wait for this latest release. Congrats on finally getting close to wrapping it up!
  13. C

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Thanks man, did as said. Didn't notice it in the readme, so my apologies.
  14. C

    Double Fine Adventure raises over half a million in a day

    Got to say, I'm extremely excited, as Tim Schafer has been involved with the majority of my favorite Adventure games. Hope he still has the magic, I've really been getting back into PnC recently (the DS has been pretty good for them actually).
  15. C

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    That's awesome news on the new version! I remember playing through the original release, which a bit buggy at the time, but altogether, still ambitious and awesome. Just in time for a new play through as well. Thanks Killap!