Hi I downloaded the latest version of Fallout Nevada English fix edition and installed it into a sub folder in my Fallout 2 folder I'm having the same problem as 25 year old none when I startup the game (I'm on Windows 10 64 bit btw) the movies play and when I get to the main menu the screen is...
I restarted the game last week and I'm almost at the very end of the game but my character is too weak to take on the final boss and it's becoming tedious having to go on caravan rides in order to level up my character. Does the fallout 2 save editor f12 save editor work with fallout 1.5 so far...
So I updated sfall and the mod (Feels more like a new game) and the game has been running great in fact the mod runs much more smoothly and is less laggy then without the latest version of sfall. Everything was running great until I got to Albuquerque and attempted to enter the imperial city the...
Hi I'm posting to explain that I have a weird issue with the latest version of Fallout fixit. I have the steam version of Fallout 1 and I installed Fallout fixit and was playing the game until I realized I wasn't actually running fallout fixit I was running the newer hires patch that comes...
I just rewatched the ending cut scene after not seeing it in a few years and there was seven people that we can see that were killed in the cut scene. The total death toll or how many people are actually killed after the cut scene is left up to the viewers imagination. So when I said that the...
I agree that the Master would let let most humans that refused to become mutants go after they were sterilized. I believe he was telling a half truth though. I guarantee that if he found a group of pure strain humans even if Super mutants could reproduce in an alternate timeline he'd probably...
I went and found these on eBay for you, not sure if the price is too high for you though. They tend to be fairly expensive because they are rare obviously.
For Fallout 1: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Interplay-Computer-Game-Fallout-Box-VG-/132145183201?hash=item1ec47779e1:g:xdYAAOSwDmBY37uD
I just found a pretty serious grammatical error with the description of the leather armor when you right click on it.
Also when you kill Killian with Gizmo and you return back to Gizmo's casino after already killing Gizmo with Killian, you'll find another Killian walking out of Gizmo's...
Those games don't have shit on Resident evil for the ps1 and mega man 8,Silent hill,for the ps1 as well as other games. Like the Nintendo CDI games with way worse voice acting than Fallout 4 hell look at Fallout 3 even has worse voice acting most of the time (except a few exceptions) than...