Recent content by Copter

  1. C

    Attack button/ mouse problem

    do not change any keys... reset to default and try again.
  2. C

    Specs for new weapons

    it's fun to play with railroad gun. You can nail your enemies on the wall... and see a super duper mutant running to you with 3 or 4 nails on the head is hilarious.
  3. C

    Vic is an Idiot

    Did you shoot Vic by accident? Some times, if you do so, tell him to "wait till i come back" cause that reaction
  4. C

    Setup Initialization Error

    I from portugal and I bought the 3pack to 2 years ago and it work well on my mobile pc. I decided to play it again about 2 weeks ago on my new pc. Instalation, no problem. In the launch menu I get nothing but a transparant square with the music and no errors. In my pack was a bonus cd with...
  5. C

    Character built(need help balancing it)

    1º - If you want to have 6 on endurance start with 5 because you will find an SE (gas station) and get the elixir of life that nets you 1 more to endurance. 2º - I think that carisma have influence how quick you climb on brotherwood ranking and get access to better recriuts 3º - If you...
  6. C

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My frist contact with fot1 was in 1997 or 98 when I bought a magazine called "WORLD OF CD-ROM", (in portugal the name is "MUNDO DO CD-ROM") , that featured a cd with some demos. I was able to play only in the "junkyard city", with guns found late in the real game (like miniguns and plasma...
  7. C

    About Holy Hand Grenade

    Em primeiro lugar há algum português neste forum? E talvez me possam dizer o que é a holly hand grenade e onde a encontrar porque acho que li isso em algum lugar mas no jogo não encontro nenhuma referencia a isto. :?: What is the holly hand grenade? I think I´ve read somewere that...
  8. C

    find the hint book

    i have finish the game, i´m in reno now what?
  9. C

    find the hint book

    this could be a stupid question but what is the hint book that you are supouse to find when you finish the game?
  10. C

    Tactics crashes when I click any option on the main menu

    can´t play F. Tactics I install f. tactics and the frist menu appears normally, but when i click to play it the monitor gets black like entering the game but then returns to windows and everything looks normaly, no error message appears, nothing. Can anyone help me? I have xp at 3.1mhz ...