Recent content by coyo7e

  1. C

    Fallout 3 review

    Just as a response to the bit in the review about the Replicated Man quest: Everyone involved in the quest is from the Commonwealth, which is some kind of advanced technological society. In addition, all of those members of the robot liberation front? [spoiler:effc5b21ce]They are ALL androids...
  2. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    Whoops, the torches comment was Grizzly. His post was so long I lost track of who'd written it.
  3. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    I'm not making anyone into a "beacon of enlightened truth," I'll thank you to not put words in my mouth. What I was doing was following the course of someone's analogy to point out how rude and (absurd) it is to compare anybody to those who attempted to halt the course of science and history...
  4. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    Funny, the peolpe who thought the Earth was square, were the ones who sat around agreeing with each other and praising each others' tortuous leaps of faith and logic. The people who came up with the revolutionary world is round idea were in fact persecuted and killed for their heresy. It...
  5. C

    Comprehension is a Pretty Useful Perk in FO3

    I could quote my last reply on this, to be honest.. Explosives are extremely powerful, extremely effective in combat (way more than ANY previous incarnation of Fallout, aside from not being able tot blast open doors nowdays,) and extremely entertaining to use in VATS. So, I'll repeat what I...
  6. C

    Time to bump up the difficulty, I guess

    You get bonus EXP for difficulties above normal, but you don't get less exp than the base exp amount, for playing Easy Mode. And yeah, I didn't even put any weapon skills into my character last night and no trouble at all clearing a couple dungeons at level 2-5.. I think I'll stick to V. Hard...
  7. C

    The bad track

    It's random based on luck, and probably based on what area you're in too, since one would assume if you're closer to their hideout, you'd see more of them. Luck is a HUGE factor in encounters though, enough so that I've decided to pretty much always have 8+ luck.
  8. C

    Specs for new weapons

    Your friend is mostly right, but there are four copies of one schematic. Tell him not to trust the guide toooo much, because they do take some "artistic license" at the expense of actual content or truth, at times. Mine and grenade schematics will make more mines for less supplies, when you...
  9. C

    Why am I leveling so slowly? (any help on my gameplay style?

    If you don't actually do anyb quests, you'll level pretty slowly. Especially if you're gonna be all "LOL she was dumb and I was scared to try the quests," and then complain that you have nothing to do.. Moira's quest chain is one of the longer and more profitable quest groups you can find, and...
  10. C

    Leveling guide

    You're half-remembering a quote you're taking out of context. The actual explanation was that they had to nerf how much skills affected the "shot cone" at low levels, because too many players didn't like having their bullets go completely wild 90% of the time. A higher skill will...
  11. C

    Armory (Megaton)

    You know, most peolpe don't WANT anybody to sneak into their Armory IRL, why would it be different in the game? It's kind of a sketchy idea to enter the Armory anyway. Things happen which you can't necessarily apologize for.
  12. C

    Comprehension is a Pretty Useful Perk in FO3

    There are no useless skills in Fallout 3, only people who can't think of a use for them. And a heck of a lot of people are more tuned-in on "get perfect in everything," so that in itself offers incentive.
  13. C

    Leveling guide

    Also, if you answer Moira's quest questions in the correct manner, you can get a 3% critical chance boost, rather than damage reduction, hitpoints, or skill bonuses.
  14. C

    Time to bump up the difficulty, I guess

    Talon mercs scale to your level too. When they attacked you at level 2, I'd be surprised if any of them was packing anything more than a police baton. I'm getting close to getting serious, and putting the difficulty up and heading after the main quest. I've got a good feel for the combat...
  15. C

    So What is Missing That's Important?

    You're right, I totally miss the LMGs from Tactics, too. :(