Recent content by Daemonjax

  1. Daemonjax

    Getting PID of what's in the dude's hands

    leftHand := obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, INVEN_TYPE_LEFT_HAND)); rightHand := obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, INVEN_TYPE_RIGHT_HAND)); display_msg("leftHand:" + leftHand + " rightHand:" + rightHand); Should work, right? It works for the left hand. The right hand always return...
  2. Daemonjax

    Fallout collection color issues

    Surprised this was never mentioned, but the problem in Windows 7 and XP (don't know or care about Windows 8+) is actually caused by the windows shell: explorer.exe (not to be confused with iexplorer.exe, which is internet explorer). Explorer.exe is both used as the windows shell (desktop icons...
  3. Daemonjax

    Fallout 2 frame rate problems!

    Old thread, but this may be useful to someone: So, I can't force vsync (I tried everything). Running it uncapped results in high fps, but I'm willing to ignore that part of it (I use aftermarket cooling, so gpu heat isn't a concern) but for the fact that movement on the world map is tied to...
  4. Daemonjax

    Inventory volume in critter .pro files?

    I didn't think critters checked size of items, just weight. Oh ok, yeah... when using the steal skill. I see now you said planting. I found this post where someone mentions the same thing in 2008...
  5. Daemonjax

    NPC skills and skill bonus items

    If it doesn't work that way, and you want it to, I think it can be made to using an sfall hookscript: hs_inventorymove I believe stat bonuses to companions persist between saves, so that makes things a little easier (depends). I'm not sure what happens exactly when a companion levels up...
  6. Daemonjax

    Inventory volume in critter .pro files?

    When using the fallout 1 and 2 critter editor I see a "carry weight" field for each critter. I believe that's what you're looking for.
  7. Daemonjax

    Fallout 2 mod Making turrets/bots lootable with sfall scripts

    Do you still plan to implement this? Do you think it would be possible to work around the limitation that hidden inventory items can't be manipulated with scripting by: unhiding it via sfall script function, then manipulating it with other scripts, and then hiding it again via sfall script...
  8. Daemonjax

    Difficulty modding light level

    I thought it would be simple matter to just call obj_set_light_level(dude_obj,0,0); at the appropriate time(s) (as mentioned on the sfall request page), but it doesn't work properly all the time and I don't have the information to figure it out.
  9. Daemonjax

    Balancing steal skill

    I did some testing on object pointers on another mod I'm working on, and when converted to a string, the string changes between sessions. At least for items, but it would make sense if that's also true for all object pointers. So that won't work as a unique identifier. EDIT: Verified critter...
  10. Daemonjax

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Is this still true? I know I'm quoting something from years ago, but I want to make sure I'm not doing something totally stupid. I just finished testing (like a couple hours ago) exporting an array variable (as well as a few ints) in one hookscript, adding to the imported array in another...
  11. Daemonjax

    Balancing steal skill

    I agree that a steal system that doesn't promote save scumming would be best. I was looking into what's possible using sfall hook scripts, and I think it's possible to implement something like divinity original sins. The only part I'm not sure about would be how best to prevent the player from...
  12. Daemonjax

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I'd rather just reload instead of faffing around doing that (which would probably require saving/reloading anyways due to better criticals). Anyways, my whole point was that the bug occurred without a map change. Just wanted say it's possible and that the bug still exists. EDIT: Is there a...
  13. Daemonjax

    Balancing steal skill

    Well, that's why I also changed the pickpocketing perk to be a level 3 perk, since that's where the least powerful ones are so it's not so great a sacrifice (it's usually quickpockets or maybe toughness) . Being able to pickpocket anything is pretty powerful (at least in my game, with how the...
  14. Daemonjax

    Balancing steal skill

    So, as far as I can tell, there's really no real practical difference between 30 steal and 300 steal. This bothered me for two reasons: 1) All of my characters end up being master pickpockets, even if I didn't build them that way 2) It makes the game easier than it should be, despite using...
  15. Daemonjax

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    So I installed your mod and I'm digging it so far. No bugs encountered. Initial thoughts: 1) I find myself just not buying or selling anything from anyone (I intentionally didn't tag barter), which is fine I guess. Tagging barter and pumping it to 100 brings prices into the reasonable realm...