Recent content by danielje

  1. D

    Chris Avellone ends his silence

    Good post, will be interesting to read more about this as more is revealed and whether or not his accusers will recant or stand by what they say by releasing a detailed statement of their own in response.
  2. D

    Happy Birthday Fallout: New Vegas!

    I thought NV sucked. Might have just had Fallout Fatigue from 200 hours of F3. I'll give it a try again with Postman's mod suggestions. I tried. I can't go back to the shooting of 3/NV after playing so much F4, its just too old.
  3. D

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    A fallout reboot would be interesting if they just used Fallout 1 for the inspiration, as it is has the best literary vibe of any of the games that followed. "To the west, you can see stars in an open sky. For the first time in your life, you are looking at the outside world." The games of old...
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    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I've been in a situation where I was falsely accused by my own wife shortly after we had a discussion about breaking up because things obviously weren't working between us. There is no worse feeling in the world than being picked up by cops, frisked, cuffed, paraded in front of a police Sargent...
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    Fallout TV show in development

    It would be great if it was based on the first two games, but ultimately the real tell of how watchable the show will be is going to be the content rating. Anything less than 18+ will be a disaster. It would be extra great if all this snowflake stuff doesn't happen and every episode is preceded...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Not sure if Fallout et tu allows for the same options in the installer as Fixt does, havent tried it yet. But Last I played Fixt(about 1.5 years ago) it was complete and working well. I will probably try out Et Tu once I get tired of playing through my back catalog of newer games and I seek a...
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    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    And here I am waiting for F76 to be "finished" and offline so I can try it out...
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    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    I'm interested in the game and will buy and play it. But to everyones point on the topic. Yes, it is a shame that games aren't portrayed as darkly as they should be given the context of the game world, all of them simply skating around the darkness with implied innuendo, or leaving it for the...
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    A possible Fallout 3 remaster?

    Its probably a Fallout 1 remake, atleast I hope. Fallout 1 and 2 remasters would be nothing to sneeze at in terms of the business it would likely do either.
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    Best Fallout 4 Mods...

    ....yes.yes. But where is Fallout 5?
  11. D

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    An interesting review. Thought New Vegas sucked myself, but one can only expect a team a quarter of the size to make an inferior product in a development cycle a quarter of the length. Fallout 4 did what it needed to do, firmly separate itself from the original two games, so long time fans of...
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    Chris Avellone Interview Mentions Obsidian Split

    Just came on to offer the unpopular opinion about my own tastes and feelings. As a long time player of Fallout 1/2, I enjoyed the transfer to an explorable world with Fallout 3, it was a fun new experience albeit lacking in some of the presentable features. I pumped a couple hundred hours into...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Thanks for the info, the perks didnt show up in the traits, i just meant, it only showed those 7 perks, before it became the Traits section. Thank you for the info on the workaround for getting more than those 7 slots to show up. I'm not entirely sure if the perks that I tagged with the editor...
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    Fallout 1 utility Falche Fallout 1 editor

    Used Falche way back in the day, late nineties when I was just a desert ranger recruit. Still works today on Fallout FIXT, although I tend to use Vlad's editor as it is more advanced of an editor.
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    an Epic thanks for all the work you've done on this. I have some questions if anyone here can answer them for me. 1. Someone mentioned they got to level 99, I remember Fallout 1 having a hardcap, does Fixt remove this cap or is there a file I need to edit to remove it? 2. Is there is a perk...