After killing all regulators (alone or with he help of Blades) nothing happens. Blades are standing still and you cant talk to them. Dialog with blades is stuck on the part where they ask me if i am going to help with an attack on regulators. But nothing happen, i appear in Adytum with them...
Dialog with blades is stuck on the part where they ask me if i am going to help with an attack on regulators. But nothing happen, i appear in Adytum with them all standing still in posotion there were after we kill the last regulator. Or i moved there alone without anyone if i already killed...
After killing all regulators (alone or with he help of Blades) nothing happens. Blades are standing still and you cant talk to them. FIXT 0.81a on steam version of F1. WinXP32SP3 Saves
I have tried load saves before Adytum but nothing helps.
Can anyone help?