Recent content by Doma

  1. Doma

    I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76

    Lets go a bit further with the heresy. I think that Fallout 76 is the best Fallout game the Bethesda has ever made. Yeah, live-service-dopamine-casino and the tone and wibe are totally off for a proper "fallout game". but still more fun that 3 and 4..
  2. Doma

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Man , Sawyer keeps beating himself up over PoE2. That game is a damn masterpiece and my personal "BG3" tbh.. At this rate PoE3 is looking uncertain...
  3. Doma

    Hearts of Iron 4 Fallout Mod - Old World Blues

    Updated link for the mod here: This actually looks pretty cool.
  4. Doma

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    That looked pretty terrible... I mean compared to The Witcher 3 that just came out, it really looks like a modded Fallout 3. Setting change and a bit more post-post apocalyptica could be interesting though. Very disappointed if it turns out that they are going with the fully voiced PC.
  5. Doma

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    Its a mp3-file, just download it and play it in any mediaplayer.
  6. Doma

    Carnivale creator announces Exodus

    Carnivale is fucking fantastic! Give me season 3! Please? :(
  7. Doma

    ZeniMax forms Online division

    "#1 smash hit Dark Age of Camelot, a MMORPG considered one of the most influential online games of all time." hahaha. aw man. Press releases crack me up. Now if it had been Ultima Online or something like that I would have agreed. But DAOC! come on! Its not number 1 anything and its...
  8. Doma

    Television Show "Jericho" canceled, Fans Mobilize

    man this show sucked. Its like one three hill in the post-apoc setting. Really deserved to be canned.
  9. Doma

    DaC throws down the gauntlet

    Heroes of Might And Magic 5 Galactic Civilization 2 Civilization 4 Europa Universalis 3 All, new popular games with Turn Based systems.
  10. Doma

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Falconer - Royal Galley
  11. Doma

    More VB Concept goodies

    Looks good. I want F3. :(
  12. Doma

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I was stuck with an Office job in the Army 1 year ago. And all I had for entertainment was a crappy old 400Mhz Laptop, that could not run anything at all. So I was stuck playing old games with no graphic requirements. Then one day the guy that shared the office with me brought over Fallout...
  13. Doma

    Where can I buy Fallout 1 or 2?
  14. Doma

    Aimed shots.

    I have taken the Fast Shot trait -_- I did not know this would have impact on aiming. I thought FS was good to have in the beginning of the game. So my aiming is gone for the rest of the game? Cant get it back?