Just to have a bit of Fun I was curious about everyones favorite dlc weapon for each weapon type Ie Guns Energy Weapons Melee Unarmed and Explosive.
Rather then being completely superficial I'll list some of my favorites. ^_^
Guns: FIDO, might sound like silly. But FIDO is fun :D Uses .44...
Well see this conversation wasn't about superior armor in general but what is the best armor that gives critical plus. which 4 body armor do. The Duster, The Elite Riot Gear, The 87th Tribe, and Josh's armor.
You are talking about. If you were a businessman or woman and had to go from city to city every day for say 10-15 years. Would you remember every tiny bit? Combine that with the fact that people get slaughtered in his/her world all the fucking time. Super mutants deathclaws. Even boone makes a...
I think right now with the dlc out Despite the Advantage Medicine Stick has aka Unique Brush Gun. That Paciencia is freaking awesome. Jsp Rounds and sneak critical attacks. It is insane! Gives new meaning to one shot one kill
Well if you think about it. It's not very far from Vegas but it is kinda isolated. It was more of a transfer station. It didn't hold many people simply because any one there probably got shipped off to real prisons.
Oh come on. Good looking people can evil. It doesn't have to do with gameplay it's Roleplaying. If you wanna be good or bad. Will you steal or won't you. Will you kill innocent people or not. I mean damn. Why play a Role Playing Game if you don't wanna have a little fun with it and think about...
99. Weapons with names are always better then weapons without names.
100. Jet can be used to make better drugs, empty jet inhalers can't be reused to make jet.
Oh for anyone that has a problem finishing the game with a non-ncr duster here are some tips. Resist the urge to say any type of ncr related option. Saying it once can increase your chances of getting the NCR duster, The Strip's opinion of you matters. Just like the NCR it effects it. Don't act...
78. DLC items do tend to get better as time goes on Especially when it's the second most demanding dlc.
79. No body wants to be a ghoul except trash :D (If anyone get's the reference you deserve a cookie.)