Recent content by DoughboyJones

  1. D

    I had to post this! - youtube thread Makes me regret missing the 60's...
  2. D

    Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy

    How about Chrono Trigger? I'll try to play some FF tunes later.
  3. D

    Oil price going to 100 dollar a barrel

    whoa, glad I can just ride my bike to work. Not too crazy about the upcoming winter bike ride but...
  4. D

    What are your favourite fictional characters?

    Kefka-Final Fantasy 6 Robot Bil- The Neverhood Popeye-Popeye Skeletor- He-man Falcor- The Neverending Story Tiny-Wrath of the Black Manta Tito: The Retarded Rebel-The Toxic Avenger IV Frog-Chrono Trigger Harry-Creepshow The Sword of Righteousness-Earthworm Jim(Animated) Jake and...
  5. D

    Class Of Nuke'Em High Trailer

    Monster in the Closet is my favorite. Well, that and the Svengoolie version of Toxic Avenger where they edited out boobs with a huge animated skull and crossbones that said 'Oh no! That's naughty!'
  6. D

    [Movie] Ghosts of Mars

    one of the WORST movies I've ever seen. Carpenter should've quit with 'The Thing.'
  7. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I think I'm pretty sold on that Taurus Judge in the event of zombies. Put some 000 buckshot in that thing and ruin a zombies day.....and face. but mostly day.
  8. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    no, RotLD is awful BUT it has the best theme song ever. I saw something, THAT I SHOULDN'T SEE and now the zombies, ARE COMIN' AFTER ME THE DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAD ARE AFTER MEEEEEEEEE all to a quirky 80's rock beat. Long live George Edward Ott!
  9. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    well, yeah. but I live in Indiana thus making alcatraz a bit too long a drive through car wreck strewn and zombie infested roads to be feasible. Maybe after all the zombies have rotted away into dust we can look each other up and hang out. maybe watch a zombie movie or something. Ever seen...
  10. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 what's that face from?
  11. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    Ok, here's mine. The dead are after me! What on earth shall I do? Glad you asked. My plan revolves somewhat around where I am at when the shambling hordes of the undead overwhelm us 'live folk'. If I am at home, My first order of business would be to yank the seats out of my van and load it...
  12. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    I'm going entirely off of the information in my 'zombie survival guide' by max brooks and according to him animals absolutely avoid zombies because the virus causing it is very toxic. but yeah, they'd never be able to actually get inside alcatraz.
  13. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    zombies walk around on the bottom until they either rot away or walk back out.
  14. D

    Stand up comedy

    I saw Bill Cosby live not too awful long ago. I always liked his stand up, clean but actually funny.
  15. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    Ok, this may have already been done and if that is the case the admins have my sincere apologies for wasting their time in vatting this. That said, a previous post made me think: If a Dawn of the Dead scenario actually happened (95ish% of the population being zombified) what would we do? So...