Recent content by drewlee865

  1. D

    Best way to reveal Necropolis location

    What's the best way to get the location to Necropolis? The Head Water Merchant keeps asking for caps that I don't have.
  2. D

    What if X made Fallout Y?

    Do you guys like any modern RPGs? lol.
  3. D

    Fallout 3 vs. others

    Yea disregard what I said. Sorry about that.
  4. D

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    If Fallout 1 is so famous how come no magazines or websites ever mention it. I'm pretty sure hardly anyone knew anything about Fallout until Bethesda made the third one.
  5. D

    Fallout 3 vs. others

    The only people I've seen who don't like Fallout 3 are people on boards like these. Everyone else loves it. Even people who have played the originals.