Recent content by Edw590

  1. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    Infinity later, I just wanted to say that it's possible. Someone on Reddit told me the same thing (unless that was you) and I made a program to be run on DOS in case anyone doesn't have a Windows computer. And also infinity later (though less), I just wanted to say that that's fixed. I was told...
  2. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    F1DP updated to version 1.2.3. Changelog: - Fix requirement of a Special Section on the sFall1 translations INI. - Added an example INI with all the default translations included with F1DP's sFall1 version. - Added possibility of translating Fixt string patches, also included in the example...
  3. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    No problem! Have fun!
  4. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    Cool! Wonderful to hear! Have fun!
  5. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    Hi! You can't use Windows-only mods on DOS though. If you want to use them, you need F1DP: It's a patcher with all the Windows mods ported to the DOS version. You can't use sFall or High-Res Patch or the Fallout Fixt EXE...
  6. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    F1DP updated to version 1.2. Changelog: (It's a small release. I was thinking in not releasing, actually. I'm only releasing because it's useful for whoever wants to play the game on the PSP - FADE_TIME_MODIFIER is very useful for slow machines to boost the game startup time) EDIT: forgot to...
  7. Edw590

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    @Mash I think this would be too much, but why not ask, I guess. Would you by chance have the code of the HRP version on which you introduced Fog of War on the mod? I'm trying to put it on the DOS version, but there's useful code of it in 2 files (all mentions of "fow" and "fog"), which I think...
  8. Edw590

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    @Mash Hi. By chance, would you have a changelog of HRP 4.1.9? the source seems to be of that version, and the last you released was 4.1.8, so I was wondering what was changed in case you know.
  9. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    Cool! I didn't know he had come back! Nor that he intended to publish the source! Thank you!
  10. Edw590

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    If you could publish it, would be very cool. I'm porting mods of the Windows version of Fo1 to its DOS version, and having the source code would help a lot really. If you could do it, I'd appreciate it too! And btw thank you for making HRP! Amazing mod.
  11. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    If anyone would like to help on the mod, there's Fog Of War to try to port from HighResPatch, and also update all remaining code to sFall1 v1.8. In case anyone's interested on that (I am on FOW, at least), I may not do that too soon. Too much work to do this and I have other projects and not...
  12. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout 1 debug mode on DOS version?

    I just remembered I had made this thread. In case for any reason anyone ever needs the debug mode in the DOS version, use F1DP and enable it there:
  13. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    F1DP updated to version 1.1. Changelog: -> Update: Crafty's sFall1 base version is now 1.7.20 - F1DP Patcher version increased to 1.1 because of this. - Also fixed bugs that happened because of my lack of attention on the ASM code. So, some things that probably were not working were fixed...
  14. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    [For anyone reading: all settled and all fine after PMs.] [I don't mind at all to be given advice. In fact, I always appreciate it and I thank it. I just don't like when people are rude about it, as it seemed to me in your other message. On your first message on this threaad I just went cool...
  15. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    Now about the useful part of your answer (last paragraph). I'm a newbie in these things. I don't have lots of experience, in fact this was the biggest things I've ever done so far (and was really cool to attempt to do, as I've learned a lot with it). But that's no excuse. Me not really wanting...