Recent content by El Oshcuro

  1. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    No this is actually the first I'm seeing this game, heh. Might need to check it out.
  2. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    Not ready to reveal that yet :)
  3. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    Best I can do is mid 20th century retro futurism ^__^
  4. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    Strange that people would want it to be post-apocalyptic.... THAT'S BEEN DONE. Not every game needs an apocalypse, you know.
  5. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    Well it's clearly PRE-APOCALYPSE. And it's retro futurist so... Think Fallout before the bombs fell. I posted some more stuff in the NMA Discord :wiggle:
  6. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    Why would we make a Kickstarter? WE HATE MONEY. THAT'S LIKE, OUR WHOLE MOTTO. Also we don't need any funding... and running a Kickstarter sounds like a lot of work! However if you know anyone from the community who wants to help out, I'd be interested in hiring some extra hands. Adam from...
  7. El Oshcuro

    New Blood Interactive hints at something very Fallout-esque

    C'mon guys, I didn't ACTUALLY mean 10 WHOLE YEARS. Maybe can we get get it done in 9! And that blurry black and white shot isn't doing Red's art any justice... here :)