Recent content by Elandarex

  1. Elandarex

    Fallout 3 vs. Reality: Photo Comparison

    I think it could have been interesting if, instead of reducing the size of DC to fit in a small wasteland setting, they actually had the entire game take place in the ruins of DC at a more reasonable scale. Now, even they did this they'd probably find plenty of ways to screw it up, but I think...
  2. Elandarex

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    I think one way to define a baseline for what an RPG really is would be to look at their humble beginnings as an extension of the tabletop wargame. Gygax and Arneson took most of the tactical elements from those impersonally epic games and brought them down to a personal level with each player...
  3. Elandarex

    Fallout 3 Collectors Edition / Survival Edition

    Yeah, I really like the CE for MGS4. 'Course, it helps that I am a Metal Gear junkie, but the value is still there.
  4. Elandarex

    Pic of the day

    Hahah, I hadn't noticed that before. That's, that's just phenomenal. Just, wow. I can't really fault Bethesda for that as missing faces or reversed normals are pretty common as far as visual glitches go, and open world games, especially ones with abundant rocky terrain, make it exponentially...
  5. Elandarex

    Fallout 3: A swell cover band.

    @A.Valiant.Flea It's such a shame that this scenario is so very plausible. Would that games could just stand on their own today. Our little industry has grown up and lost its innocence and charm (not that it had much of the former to begin with).
  6. Elandarex

    Fallout 3 Collectors Edition / Survival Edition

    It's so depressing that I honestly feel the lunchbox was better than the game that came in it. Would have been even more so if it wasn't for the cheap plastic handle.
  7. Elandarex

    How should an RPG be? Freeroam for ever like Fallout 3?

    People need to realize that free roaming, open world games will tend to sacrifice a certain sense of cohesion and purpose that other, more linear experiences possess. It all depends on the kind of experience that's being captured, or at least trying to be captured. What many don't realize is...
  8. Elandarex

    Super Mutants and Enclave - Badass Decay?

    Heh, it may not have been against Supermutants but it sure felt weird when i was able to slaughter most of Megaton with a frigging baseball bat. Try that in the old ones at level 2 like I was and you'll be quick loading constantly, and that's only if you don't have bad luck with NPCs scoring...
  9. Elandarex

    Super Mutants and Enclave - Badass Decay?

    I would have to say that one of the biggest problems with the Centaurs in FO3 is simply the fact that they're called Centaurs. If you can accept what the FEV could accomplish in the original Fallouts then there's really nothing wrong with this particular mutation in FO3. The fact that they were...
  10. Elandarex

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    You seem to claim open-mindedness on your side, for your argument, yet you, above everyone else, are the most close-minded person here. You have repeatedly stated that text-only dialog systems and well, basically anything that existed before the new millennium is completely obsolete and of no...
  11. Elandarex

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Sometimes it is just so cute watching people go on about things they obviously know nothing of. Why is it that people think that games somehow have to abandon the conventions and systems put in place by previous generations just for the sake of saying that progress has been made? How would chess...
  12. Elandarex

    The Socioeconomic Fabric of Bethesda's PA-DC: Dumb

    I don't get why more people don't share this attitude. If we keep on telling developers we don't mind bland, nonsensical, trite... I think you get the picture. Nothing will change, and eventually anyone who wants a game with some depth will just be flat out of luck. Standards aren't elitist...
  13. Elandarex

    Thoughts on FO3 (Spoilers)(32hours played so far)(LONG POST)

    You learn something new every day I guess. Of course, it's not like I have any experience outside of what I've been told about police work and soldiering in Canada so it's not surprising that I would be proven wrong about being focused on torso targeting. Still, is there any reason why, in...
  14. Elandarex

    Thoughts on FO3 (Spoilers)(32hours played so far)(LONG POST)

    Sorry to drag this nonsense back up but... You honestly can't criticize turn based combat for not being realistic unless the so-called "realistic" FPS combat stops treating head shots as the go-to option in ranged combat. There's a reason that in reality people are trained to shoot for the...
  15. Elandarex

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    First time I really took notice of the terrible texturing was at Rivet City. I hadn't been scouring the game looking for low res textures or anything, but even from afar the ship texture looked blurry and pixellated. From that point on I couldn't help but notice the textures, which was a shame...