Recent content by Endru1241

  1. Endru1241

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    @Perkyguy About Myron - Add "}" on the end of line 29 of nhMyron.msg.
  2. Endru1241

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Hey @MIB88 I think I found some problems with hs_combatdamage script. 1. Get_Skill seems to return weird things - (nothing or 0 for deathclaw claw, 0 for miniguns and bazookas) I tidied this a little and Goris deals normal damage again. Here is the code: procedure Get_Skill begin...