Recent content by error2k

  1. E

    Todd says that they are bringing classic hardcore RPG mechanics for Starfield

    Also Fallout 4: Far Harbor's writer is the main quest writer for this game.
  2. E

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    Let's switch things up and actually talk about things we like about this Bethesda's interpretation of Fallout. I really like how some of the weapons and objects look. They mostly nailed the aesthetic of the first Fallout. Though modders still seem to put in much more effort...
  3. E

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I don't understand what these twitter mobs are getting so angry about though lol. From what I saw he just send some cringy text messages that he apologized for anyway. I hope he will enter his redemption arc now. Any ideas what he's working on now?