I got this on sale on Steam a long time ago. Wasn't sure if I wanted to play the Enhanced Edition. Not sure what Beamdog added to it, but I figured I would give it a shot now. What all did they add?
Also, I'm getting mixed signals on best party composition from various places. Figured I'd for...
I pre-ordered that big deluxe premium physical edition with all the cool stuff in it as soon as it went up.
After they announced Brian Mitsoda was fired, I got a refund.
Now I'll wait for a 75% off sale on Steam. :P
Yeah. Since they didn't and he said the reason he didn't was the new dev team gave him a good pitch, the game is probably getting the Prey treatment. Completely new game from scratch now. No Brian Mitsoda story or characters. probably a complete rework. So my interest is basically gone now.
Gamedec came out today and I bought it. Started the game and am probably half-way through the opening mission. Pretty good so far. You walk around to interact with things which always acts itself out as a conversation, even when logging in to a computer or searching the contents of a safe.
Couldn't find a topic for this game. Just watched this trailer and my interest is hella piqued.
With the 2.5 isometric viewpoint, and what I assume is a silent protagonist, it looks like it could live up to their claims on the choice & consequence front.
Surprised I never heard of this game...
You can blame the publisher Private Division for that marketing campaign. They're also the ones who took Epic's money to make it EGS exclusive. Neither of these decisions were Obsidian's.
And it's not like Leonard and Tim worked on New Vegas. They joined Obsidian a year or so after New Vegas...