Recent content by Finesse

  1. F

    Fallout Sonora Extended (english) Isn't launching

    Same happened to me. I just turned off real time protection before I played Sonora after I restored the ddraw.dll.
  2. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Looks like I'm doing another playthrough :)
  3. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Same thing for my too Syndicaliost_Cat, played multiple times for like 20 hrs before the defender kicked in. Like I said, its your call... I have no biases here on the ukraine war living in canada, and I don't think the sfall version 5 is out to get us old faithful fallout 1 & 2 players...
  4. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Yes it should, I just turned off real time protection while i played the game and turned it back on after. I was nervous at first too thinking why it would show up as a Phonzy trojan... I'm pretty savvy with pc's and have fixed alot of pcs infected with viruses before... after looking into this...
  5. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Same thing happened to me Syndicalist_Cat, its your windons defender blocking the ddraw.dll in the fallout sonora install. I just turned off real time protection and played the rest of the game without defender blocking it. Yes it says the ddraw.dll has a phonzy trojan but its a false positive...
  6. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    I kinda figured it was a false positive. I have been playing Sonora lots lately. Thanks for the help
  7. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Your .dll works but it also has the trojan apparently. I work on pc's and have done lots of virus removal in my days and I don't see anything malicious going on with my pc. Could be a false positive i'm thinking. I'm probably just going to turn off the antivirus and play as I really want to beat...
  8. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Pyran, your DLL link just brings me to the dropmefiles main website :(
  9. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Any idea where I can get sfall5 v5.0.6.2? Finding these files on Russian sites is not easy considering its not my language. I haven't played since the trojan was detected, but if the ddraw.dll fixes it I will :) Thanks in advance
  10. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Figured it out. Windows defender silently wouldn't let me run the ddraw.dll because it says it has Trojan:Win32/Phonzy.A!ml embedded. Have to turn off real time protection in order for sonora to run. Weird this didn't happen from the start and i was able to play numerous times.
  11. F

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Was playing 1.13+DLC with the 1.7 ENG patch for days and now it wont open. Get an error "This program requires Windows 95 with DirectX 3.0a or later or Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or greater". Tried reinstalling, same thing. My other fallout 2 installs and mods work still (I...
  12. F

    Wasteland 2 released!

    Going in la, get ambushed by robots on fist place i go, barely survive using all means necessary!... go forth into unknown.. after i kill some cybernetics hording cows, i get message... come back to base. come back and finally can get a grip on some weapons! This game isnt easy, and i love it
  13. F

    Wasteland 2 released!

    I think the game is great! I'm already planning another re run once i beat it. I haven't been this addicted to a game since the fallout series. I just got to the LA map. I plan on exploring every aspect of the game on my 2nd run. Kinda wish the screen auto scrolled when im running around, but...
  14. F

    Problem With My PC

    Hmm i would try latencymon, run it and play the game. it will let you know which drivers are the culprits to your system performance. You can fix it without reinstalling windows i am sure. Also check and repair windows systems files by following these instructions...
  15. F

    Phones and there operating systems...

    it really doesnt offer much more than my android phone probably then..