Recent content by FiveMagics

  1. FiveMagics

    Grammat question to native speaker

    "I hope it isn't going to" and "I hope it won't" are both correct, one is just less fancy sounding i guess
  2. FiveMagics

    Thank God, I've been waiting to play fo3 on pc forever now

    Thank God, I've been waiting to play fo3 on pc forever now
  3. FiveMagics

    Favourite Fallout protagonist

    As much as I love the first two protagonists, the courier takes the cake for me because of how much freedom you have with his backstory and such.
  4. FiveMagics

    I thought it was fake but Bethesda is unironically re-releasing Skyrim for the twelve-hundredth...

    I thought it was fake but Bethesda is unironically re-releasing Skyrim for the twelve-hundredth time. what a world
  5. FiveMagics

    Man The Highwayman is fricken badass. Best 2,000+ caps I've ever spent lol

    Man The Highwayman is fricken badass. Best 2,000+ caps I've ever spent lol
  6. FiveMagics

    "Bethesda cares deeply for the lore, especially fallout since it isnt elder scrolls" - random...

    "Bethesda cares deeply for the lore, especially fallout since it isnt elder scrolls" - random dude im arguining with on reddit, circa 2021
  7. FiveMagics

    its hard okay :(

    its hard okay :(
  8. FiveMagics

    Got called a Bigot in the comment section of a fallout video for saying fallout 4 was garbage...

    Got called a Bigot in the comment section of a fallout video for saying fallout 4 was garbage. Bethesda fallout fans are insane lol.
  9. FiveMagics

    What was your first RPG?

    My first rpg was Fallout 3, was young when it came out and I absolutely loved it at the time, couldn't stop playing it lol, later moved onto Skyrim and had a blast. Don't really find those games as fun anymore, no where near comparable to the likes of New Vegas or the classic Fallouts, but im...
  10. FiveMagics

    I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java jive and it loves me

    I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java jive and it loves me