Recent content by FlukeboxHero

  1. FlukeboxHero

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    I think I'm having a stroke.
  2. FlukeboxHero

    A Solo Fallout RPG Faction/Settlement Table

    Thanks! Here's a first draft of the table: d8 Roll Species Origin Tech Level Society Attitude Goal Belief 1HumanSurvivorsPrimitiveVagabondsFriendlySurvivalAthiest 2HumanSurvivorsSubsistenceRaidersCourteousSurvivalNo Official Belief...
  3. FlukeboxHero

    A Solo Fallout RPG Faction/Settlement Table

    I want to have a table so that I don't have to encounter the 727th section of the Brotherhood of Steel. To design this, I'm trying to categorize factions/settlements from FO1, 2, and VB into Species, Origin, Technology, Attitude, and Goal. Species: - Human - Ghoul - Mutant (catch all term) -...
  4. FlukeboxHero

    Fallout: Year Zero advice - Critical Hits and Armor

    Geez, that's a lot of d6's. Yes, that's exactly how it works! That is definitely a high end roll. The statistics table in the reference document doesn't even go pat 10 dice. Also, I didn't even think about armor giving bonuses. That's smart! In the YZE system, people can only die from a roll on...
  5. FlukeboxHero

    Fallout: Year Zero advice - Critical Hits and Armor

    If you crit, you roll on a table for effect (which I have broken down by body area). And at most, you could roll like 10 dice or so (5 Attribute dice + 5 skill dice + bonus gear dice), but that would be for a high level or hyper specialized character. Maybe I should make successes be on a 5 or...
  6. FlukeboxHero

    Fallout: Year Zero advice - Critical Hits and Armor

    I'm working on a Fallout System based on the Year Zero Engine (YZE). Players roll a pool of d6's, and 6 counts as a success. The main tension of the system comes to whether or not to re-roll dice I have two areas that I'm struggling to convert from Fallout. 1) Critical Hits: In the YZE games...
  7. FlukeboxHero

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    My post doesn't contribute to this discussion, but this reminds me of the opening Julius Caesar's Commentaries. "All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called “Celts,” in our language “Gauls,” the third...
  8. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    It's theorized to be Liberty Prime. As for Presper, I should have done Charles Ringhold (West-Tek's Head of Laser Research).
  9. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    Ah, here's my secret: I have a bad memory! I thought Prime was meant for mainland China. The real change is that Prime was never meant to be used. The Enclave needed a massive reactor to power their operation for their nuclear hibernation.
  10. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    Thank you both! I think I've got something. Liberty Prime was developed to break the stalemate in the Gobi campaign. The best minds of the day (Robert House, Klein from Big Mountain, Victor Presper, etc.) were brought in to develop Prime, his armaments, and his power core. Prime's power would...
  11. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    Ahhhhh, that's smart. I was stuck on that point, as once you let the nuke throwing genie out of the bottle, well..... yeah.
  12. FlukeboxHero

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    Hell yeah. That's great! I like it! Also, Quenched should be called Fire Extinguisher.
  13. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    Hoo boy, you ain't kidding. It's *rough*. Hence making Liberty Prime the end goal. All the factions want control of this giant robot to shape the world in their image. The game ends with Prime's activation, because, like Daggerfall, what the hell do you do after you turned on the ancient angry...
  14. FlukeboxHero

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    That's fair. I was thinking a door equivalent of the "Ayyyyyy!" perk from Van Buren; but, yeah, it's rather silly for a tabletop setting. Maybe it can be you always do maximum damage to locked doors?
  15. FlukeboxHero

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    I love all of this! - This is a way to bring in the shishkebab ("Sword of the Old Gods" or "Sword of Fahrenheit") - Potential Special Perks and Titles: - Ashes to Ashes: Because of your cooperation with the Order of the Fire Chief, you have learned how to use ash to hide your self from...