Recent content by FractalArt

  1. F

    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film trailer

    That bugs me too :| Overall, it may be decent. Many other Fallout fan films on the internet aren't usually more than 5 minutes long and don't have much of a story.
  2. F

    Fallout 3 concept art

    Very funny :P
  3. F

    Fallout 3 concept art

    If only the game really looked like this...
  4. F

    The Ranch ( OOC)

    Let's make day three basic. Assume the townspeople begin rioting - I just want to get rid of Orrity so we can begin this roleplay with some kind of order :mrgreen:
  5. F

    Problem with 3 dog speeches

    I have this problem too, and I don't think there's a way to fix it.
  6. F

    The Ranch ( OOC)

    Okay, well it's been seventeen days since Senior created the RP, and he hasn't posted since, so I'll start day two for us.
  7. F

    The Ranch ( OOC)

    I agree - if SeniorOrrity doesn't show up after a little while, we can kill him off and go from there.
  8. F

    The Ranch ( OOC)

    You should start day 2 soon, Senior. People will lose interest if you don't update enough.
  9. F

    The Ranch ( OOC)

    Hey, I joined the RP. I just realized we weren't supposed to start with anything except for water and food... I will edit my character sheet, no worries. I guess White Knight missed that part too, I'll let him know.
  10. F

    Fallout DS?

    DS? Maybe PSP, but not the DS...
  11. F

    My AER-12 Laser Rifle

    This is a project I started a little while back. It began when I realized that one of my dart blasters looked a lot like a laser rifle such as the AER-9. However, it does have quite a few differences, so I decided to call it the AER-12, a weapon only mentioned in the Fallout series. Here's what...
  12. F

    Hubris comics??

    You should be able to access Hubris Comics at any point in the game. Also, you can only have one humanoid companion and Dogmeat at a time. Most humanoid companions (Fawkes, Butch, etc.) don't become available until later in the game. A complete list of companions can be found here...
  13. F

    Modifying Mods....

    It's really quite simple. 1. Open the GECK and use the open function (the icon is a folder at the top left of the screen) 2. check off the mod you want to edit, don't forget to click "set as active file", which is in the same window. 3. Wait for it to load - be patient, sometimes it...
  14. F

    My Modification for Fallout 3: WNP - Weapon Names Project

    Small guns: 10mm Pistol = N99 10mm Pistol Silence 10mm Pistol = N99 10mm Pistol Silenced Chinese Pistol = Type 17 Pistol Assault Rifle = R91 Assault Rifle Chinese Assault Rifle = Type 56 Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle = .308 DKS-501 10mm SMG = Heckler & Koch MP10 .32 Pistol = H&R .32...
  15. F

    My Modification for Fallout 3: WNP - Weapon Names Project

    This is a mod I created for Fallout 3 that changes the name of almost every non-unique weapon in the game to their canon names. This is 100 % lore-friendly as far as I know. Check it out here: A patch for Operation Anchorage is...