Recent content by Gonchi

  1. G

    Lost and Found at NMA

    For a cheap translator that's actually pretty well written.
  2. G

    Fallout 0: new mod

    It does sound promising but I'm curious about a couple of things that don't make sense to me. I thought I read that the mutated creatures were captured from the outside, but if that's the case, why are they worried about sending someone to replenish the sensor batteries? Also, the main...
  3. G

    Abaddon Website Update

    Didn't we do the sounds like/reminds me of bit the last time Abbadon was updated? Anyway... is anyone else losing interest in it? It's not my intention to rag on the amount of time the game is taking, but it seems as though the background and setting of the game is changed every other update...
  4. G

    What outcome will be of Outcome?

    I don't remember hearing about this game before. It sounds interesting, although I'd like to hear some specific information about the combat system. Like others have said, the concept art looks great, but the screenshots remind me of NWN on the lowest video setting...
  5. G

    Abaddon Setting Refocused

    Reminds me of the Jon Shannow books by David Gemmell...
  6. G

    The corpse of Interplay still roams this fair earth

    If they earn any money on Ballerium... Does Interplay still hold any franchises? I seriously doubt they'll last long if Ballerium and FOOL are its only prospects...
  7. G

    Troika gone belly up?

    Guess my PC just sucks then.
  8. G

    Troika gone belly up?

    Well, in my case, my PC didn't even meet the minimum requirements. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who were interested had the same problem. Or maybe I'm the only moron who won't upgrade his PC every year.
  9. G

    RPGs for the stupid

    Paradise Cracked comes to mind, even if it is awful... and there's Abbadon (well... I liked it anyway).
  10. G

    Final Death Knell?

    He'd probably enjoy that though. I'd personally rather he get castrated with a very dull razor.
  11. G

    Final Death Knell?

    I have my hopes set on them getting to ru(i)n EA. I can dream, anyway... 8)
  12. G

    Shadow Vault gone Gold

    I'd never heard of it... guess I should pay more attention. I'll try and pick it up on my next trip to the US.
  13. G

    Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

    But... how does Interplay have any say on what Bethesda do with Fallout 3, 4 or 5? I'm not going to pretend to know how any of this works, but I don't think Interplay is in any position to tell Bethesda what or how to do anything, even if they can, and somehow I don't see Bethesda taking...
  14. G

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Website Online

    Ok, that’s it. I’ve heard people all over the net saying that a first person turn based Fallout wouldn’t be so bad, but I just can’t for the life of me figure out how a turn based first person game would work at all, and still be enjoyable. Part of the charm of Turn Based combat in Fallout...
  15. G


    Bethesda has spoken regarding Fallout 3 without saying it's "too early..." or that it'll be gritty? Or alternately, they've said something that will not potentially piss us all off... ISO and TB related, perhaps?