Recent content by Gorefiend

  1. Gorefiend

    ways in which fallout 4 improved over new vegas

    I mean...I dont HATE FO4, I am beyond that, now its like sadness from watching this franchise die twice. Anyway on to the good. I personally think the game looked nice, straight unmodded, FNV looks good for a 6 yr old game, 4 looks good for a bethesda game. Enviroments are done alright. Parts...
  2. Gorefiend

    How do you feel about mutants?

    Not sure if I would clense all of them, but Im not against shooting Bethesdas muties on sight..thats not a compliment
  3. Gorefiend

    Porn Is Unhealthy

    If thats what gets someone off, I suppose it is normal. Not everyone has the same thing that gets them going. As long as no one is getting hurt and its done willingly, what is the problem? If its moral..well just like sexual orentation, not everyone has the same morals. Victorian era this sex...
  4. Gorefiend

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    I have been watching this game for a long time now. I have high, but realistic hopes. Its most likely the last hurrah for me with big open world games as being an adult is getting in the way of 100+ hr marathon fun
  5. Gorefiend

    Arrogant modders?

    Maybe Bethdrones are calling certain higher profile modders arrogant because they won't mod (fix) FO4?
  6. Gorefiend

    Rate: Worst Bethesda DLC ES and FO Franchise

    Hmm so I never owned wasteland workshop, mothership zeta, or nuka world, so I can only vote on what I have actually played. I picked operation anchorage...I think its worse than horse armor. It was the pivot for a long slide into shit for the 3D version of this series. As for ES dlc, I can...
  7. Gorefiend

    Porn Is Unhealthy

    Porn has existed since before civilization. Its not going anywhere nor is it a manifest of some kind of danger to humans. Its a normal healthy human reaction to want to look at what they are attracted to. I will admit it has gotten easier to procure and more detailed, but human sexuality hasnt...
  8. Gorefiend

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    489 Fallout 4 can best be summed up by notes found on super mutants. Kill Loot Return
  9. Gorefiend

    Porn Is Unhealthy

    Climbing a mountain is dangerous. Jagging off hasn't done anything but raise the stock of Jurgens and Kleenex.
  10. Gorefiend

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    Don't forget, ghouls are now officially zombies thanks to nuka world and bethesdas way of spreading lore and writing in depth stories....otherwise known as terminal entries.
  11. Gorefiend

    The future of the Brotherhood of Steel?

    Haha yea the worst pilots in history. Everytime I heard one of those things I was waiting for the inevitable Hindenburg. I never beat fo4, I couldnt slog through it anymore, but the concensus I get from tidbits here and other places is Beth got them..."better" this time around. Not "right" but...
  12. Gorefiend

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    483: Everyone at Bethesda has daddy issues as depicted by their absurd storylines.
  13. Gorefiend

    Fallout 4 – Vacationing in Nuka-World

    I have elite for xbone, had it for around 6 months, they have a version of early access. Anyway it runs quite well for console, controls arent that bad if you were used to playing rts and the like on consoles like I am...I had shit like starcraft 64 so the layouts arent impossible to get...
  14. Gorefiend

    Grave Whispers

    Only ones I have ever noticed is in the goodsprings idea what they say though, Im in the middle of a replay so will check out vault 11.