Recent content by Grayswandir

  1. G

    Blue Velvet – Fallout 1 into Fallout 2

    That's very beautiful! I had always thought the original dev team had made the blue wall to fit with the "comics" graphical design, but they might have the blue cliffs in mind! :D It could be interesting. I am not saying I would like it, since Fallout 1 kinda is sacred for me, but I 'd like...
  2. G

    Fallout 1 – New Ian & Tycho Critters

    I am affraid no. The trenchcoat, which is the basis for this animation is sortof made: basic animation + pistol and rifle are made, smg and big gun are in slow progress. You can see them in the EC paris thread. For the tycho model, additional work is required (head with or without gazmask and...
  3. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    My favorite! Don't hesitate to make other like that! :=) You don't like those ones? There are also some rocks in the tactic sceneries... Grab it if you can! Ho, and what about this door? Anyone interested by making it open? I mean, by other mean than blowing it to pieces?
  4. G

    European Commonwealth : Paris (wip)

    Oops, sorry, got a little sidetracked with other stuff: Ok, thanks, it's not a big priority, I can make without it. It just would make my work easier, at the cost of making your work harder! So don't sweat it. But maybe I am not the only one to use the rp build as the ultimate source of ready...
  5. G

    European Commonwealth : Paris (wip)

    Oh, well, I am already extensively using them you know! :D I couldn't miss such an oportunity of awesom fallout art... We also use many stuff of the repository, the novarain's AK112 rifles, BGE stuff, X'il/Conti 's gun, Jotisz TV, many russian stuff, many custom stuff, (some of them have...
  6. G


    What's a MSG tool? You mean a tool to open the .msg text ? Like the notepad?
  7. G

    European Commonwealth : Paris (wip)

    The original art of Charles 2.0 was made by Maya Brisa, aka Ayleid, forgot to say it in the first post. Then Snake and his team makes the others. We will of course make a full credit list with everyone who contributed, but I figured this needed to be said here. Ho and since i am at it, here is...
  8. G

    Fallout 2 / Fonline Engine Modding Update

    Not going to lie either, i am not very familiar with this game. But since it's has a postnuclear setting, it is very possible, yes. Fast all the WW2 and nuclear shelters under Paris were connected through the gallery of the catacombs, sewers, subways, ... and the population was advised to go to...
  9. G

    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    I have a problem to play the mod, the first map seems to be broken. And when i try to open it with the mapper, i get the 'error loading object while reading map". I tried beginning the game by starting with another map with the ddraw, but that didn't work. Also on the geck map and the...
  10. G

    Fallout 1 – New Ian & Tycho Critters

    Like this? But you should stop double posting when it's not required. :wink:
  11. G

    Fallout 2 / Fonline Engine Modding Update

    Yeah, actually as project lead, half of my job is to discard good ideas, but that are too complicated for me to script. I keep the amount of things to do very small and I also divided the story in two part, so I know the first part at least is within my reach. (that and we are two scripters now...
  12. G

    Fallout 1 – New Ian & Tycho Critters

    The project has been put on hold by his maker, Jordan. The thing is, we don't know exactly what's still to be done, if someone were to test it and make a list of what's wrong, we could at least know if it's doable or not.
  13. G

    Fallout 1 – New Ian & Tycho Critters

    I like the idea so I add a post made by Cubik some times ago that (I think) explain how to do it.
  14. G

    European Commonwealth : Paris (wip)

    Just a little update to say we are going to use the first 2 minutes of the short movie of Paul Doucet "Bunker" as a part of our intro. He is also a big fan of the first fallout, and his vision of a postapocalyptic Paris is similar to our. You can check the whole film (10min) here...
  15. G

    New Vegas is way too complex

    I am not going to comment on the philosophical side, i already said what I thought about it. Yeah! You're right! Except the author doesn't actually complain about the stat system! Nor ask for it to be dumbed down! Just say it takes time to adapt, so your point have nothing to do with the...