Yes it is Dune CD Version if any one is interested and if it has reached status of abandonware i might consider upload it game is really great :)
Another great game one of my favorites i think every Amiga owner should know what it is still game was released on PC too...
Fine but i aim more in direction of "ridiculization" :)
Hm this sounds like Windows :)
Any way even if M$ borowed fev interface ideas who cares? if we go this way Linux and Amiga OS borrowed and invented new things too so who cares...its Apple fault that they arent in place where M$ is...
Too much game is practicly unplayable...any way here read
Funny thing game is so slow people are making mods to speed up game LOL...
Also community is fucking morons on these forums most of them are fanatics and defend this buggy...
LOL...what do you mean payable features explain...fuck the lan but common im not going to be happy if i get half game and other half i need to buy from DLCs...
Ok fev things people who complain about lags well patch 1.1 dont fixes it and adds other problems so recomended is to stay with 1.0...
Any way i try to play as Poland so i started early so i got time to prepare and well it was so fucking boring i gived up...EU3/HOI2 even ROME is great game...
Apple their own computers haha with c2d from Intel yep their own...
Well Apple fanboys are morons they just pay extra % for apple label...
I admit Mac OS X was great 2 years ago when you compared it against Windows Vista but now its better to buy PC + W7
1.Massive Lag well its big problem becouse its not hardware its software based from what i read i got lag for example on: c2d 3.0Ghz,4gb ram and fuck yee game runs great no complains here my PC is crap i just buy new one so i can play this game...
2.Ugly map yes im going to buy new...
Yee but it was better than Grindhouse...
Any way i would love cast from the trailer...
Priest rocks quote "Please father have mercy...God has mercy i dont..." and boom haha...
...and quote "Where are my wife and daughter..." haha epic...